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Schoolyard Ecology Featured in "Resilient Forests" Series

The Harvard Forest Schoolyard Ecology program is the newest focus of a year-long multimedia series on resilient forests by Northern Woodlands. The new film features students and teachers at Killingly Intermediate School, a public middle school in Connecticut that has participated in Harvard Forest's "Our Changing Forests" citizen science program since 2018.
The film follows teachers Mike Morrill and Pamela Ames, their students, and HF Schoolyard Ecology coach Fiona Jevon as they measure trees and identify plant and animal species in their long-term study plot.
38 schools around New England have contributed data to the Our Changing Forests project since it launched in 2015. Our Changing Forests is the newest of four HF Schoolyard Ecology projects that engage students in long-term, hands-on research outdoors. In 2019, more than 4,500 K-12 students collected data for a Harvard Forest project. The Schoolyard Ecology program, now in its 16th year, and is supported by the National Science Foundation's Long-Term Ecological Research Program, the Highstead Foundation, and generous donors.
- Learn more and explore classroom data from the HF Schoolyard Ecology "Our Changing Forests" program.