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December 2009

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December 1, 2009

Massachusetts Initiative on Financing Forest Conservation

Led by Jim Levitt, the Director of the Program on Conservation Innovation, and with assistance from David Foster, the Harvard Forest is currently coordinating the work of the newly established Massachusetts Initiative on Financing Forest Conservation (FFC). Jim and FFC staff have recently convened an Advisory Board composed of leading conservationists from the public, private, non-profit and academic sectors in

December 1, 2009

Graduate Student Gathering

2009 HF Grad Students

Harvard Forest sponsored a weekend retreat for its graduate student researchers to promote interactions and collaborations among students and across universities. Participants included:

  • Alix Contosta (University of New Hampshire – Frey lab),
  • Minda Berbeco (Tufts University – Orians lab),
  • Primrose Boynton (Harvard University – Pringle lab),
  • Eddie Brozstek (Boston University – Finzi lab),
  • Israel del Toro (University of Massachusetts – Ellison lab),
  • Poliana Lemos (Boston University
December 1, 2009

David Foster on Independent Advisory Panel for Massachusetts Biomass Sustainability Study

The Department of Energy Resources (DOER) selected the Manomet Center for Conservation Services of Plymouth to lead a comprehensive study related to biomass sustainability and carbon policy. The Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) Secretary Ian Bowles commissioned the six-month study to bring the best science to bear as DOER prepares new regulations to establish sustainability criteria biomass facilities under the

December 1, 2009

New Freshman Seminar at Harvard Forest

David Foster, along with Kristina Stinson, Dave Orwig and other research staff at the Harvard Forest will conduct a new undergraduate course in Spring 2010 - Freshman Seminar 21w : Research at the Harvard Forest: Global Change Ecology-Forests, Ecosystem Function, the Future.

This course explores state-of-the-art research, tools and measurements used to investigate and predict climate change through ongoing studies at