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The Harvard Forest's Fisher Museum is the main venue for members of the public to volunteer at the Harvard Forest.
We currently have a team of approximately 35 volunteers that assist in staffing the Fisher Museum on weekends from May through October. (Harvard Forest employees do not typically work on the weekends, so we rely on volunteers to keep the Fisher Museum available to weekend visitors.) The usual volunteer shift is four hours (12-4 pm) long, and volunteers typically cover 2-4 shifts annually.
Duties: Volunteers open and close the Fisher Museum, welcome visitors, sell Harvard Forest merchandise, and answer visitor questions to the best of their abilities.
Key times: Fisher Museum volunteer training sessions are held annually in late April to discuss logistics and answer any questions from volunteers. In November, we host a catered dinner to thank all participating volunteers for their service.
Depending on your skillset, there may be other volunteer opportunities. Please contact to learn more.