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February 2008

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February 1, 2008

Harvard Forest Schoolyard Students Give Presentation to the Mass. Secretary of Energy and the Environment

Schoolyard Presentation

Three sixth-grade students who participated in Harvard Forest Schoolyard Ecology projects in 3rd, 4th and 5th grades, gave a presentation to Ian Bowles, Secretary of Executive Office of Environmental Affairs (EOEA). The students from the JR Briggs Elementary School in Ashburnham shared their experiences in the field-based ecological research projects related to Vernal Pools, Leaf Phenology and the Hemlock

February 1, 2008

New Harvard Forest Publication: Invasive Species Distribution and Historical Land Use

Despite the recognized importance of historical factors in controlling many native species distributions, few studies have incorporated historical landscape changes into models of invasive species distribution and abundance. We surveyed 159 currently forested sites for the occurrence and abundance of Berberis thunbergii (Japanese barberry), an invasive, non-native shrub in forests of the northeastern U.S., relative to modern environmental conditions, contemporary

February 1, 2008

New Harvard Forest Publication: Mangrove Management Activities

In June 2006, Harvard Forest Senior Ecologist Aaron Ellison delivered the keynote address at the 2nd Meeting on the Mangrove Macrobenthos. Selected papers from this meeting have just been published in the Journal of Sea Research. In the lead paper, Ellison addresses mangrove management activities in the broader context of the diversity of animals such as crabs and prawns that

February 1, 2008

Harvard Forest on NPR's Climate Connections

Dan Charles of National Public Radio produced a program aired on December 31, 2007. He captures the work being done here at Harvard forest and helps reveal to the listener the importance of the research. Listen to the story and watch the audio photo show.