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Schoolyard LTER Program

Since 2004, the Harvard Forest Schoolyard Ecology program has supported classrooms in collecting authentic ecological field data in their own local schoolyards.
Schoolyard Ecology data are publicly accessible for exploration and graphing. Some schools have been submitting data for more than 15 years! With each passing year, these classroom datasets become more valuable for telling new ecological stories. Field trip resources are also available for use.
The Harvard Forest is part of a national network of sites that support K-12 teachers and students in hands-on ecological research. This work is supported by the Long-Term Ecological Research Program of the National Science Foundation, Highstead, and private donors.
Real Science - Real Scientists - Real Issues
- Research Projects. Students participate in authentic, field-based research projects that address important, current environmental issues.
- Professional Development Workshops and Online Resources. Teachers are given direct access to Harvard Forest ecologists.
- Schoolyard LTER Database. Download and graph data online. Participating schools can also login to submit new data.
- HF Schoolyard project connections to 2013 Mass. Science Frameworks incorporating NGSS.