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October 2003

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October 1, 2003

Schoolyard Coordinator added to Education Program at Harvard Forest

Harvard Forest LTER and The Fisher Museum have hired Pam Snow to act as Schoolyard Coordinator. Pam will focus on grades K - 12 Pam Snowand bring the lessons of the long term ecological research projects to the classroom as well as lead groups here through the Museum and the surrounding

October 1, 2003

Moose Sightings at Harvard Forest

Several people have reported seeing moose on Harvard Forest property on the Prospect Hill tract. Even if you don't see the moose Moose caution signitself, you may see signs of its presence:

  • Moose consume large quantities of willow, birch, and aspen twigs
  • Moose often browse on small saplings, tearing off twigs and sometimes breaking the