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Registration Open for Schoolyard Ecology Teacher Workshop

Schoolteachers of grades 2-12 are invited to register for the Summer Institute for Teachers, held here at Harvard Forest on August 22 from 9:30am to 3:30pm. The cost is $50, which includes teacher materials, project supplies, and year-round support from educators and scientists at the Forest.
The Harvard Forest Schoolyard Ecology Program, now in its 16th year, works with teachers year-round from schools throughout the Northeast (explore a map of participating schools), providing scientist-led professional development in field-based data collection and data analysis/graphing.
Our goal for the program is to get more students outside - in urban and rural school districts alike - engaging in authentic scientific practices and investigation. The projects are aligned with state and national frameworks, and are augmented each year by new teacher resources.
The August 22 Summer Institute prepares teachers to set up field sites in walking distance from their schools. Teachers learn how to follow a scientific protocol designed by professional ecologists. Training includes all written materials and field supplies needed to get a project up and running in a schoolyard. No prior experience is required.
Teachers may register for one of three study project options:
- Woolly Bully and the Hemlock Trees (invasive species)
- Our Changing Forests (carbon, biodiversity, and ecosystem change)
- Learn more about the study
- Print a form to register for the workshop - NOTE: this workshop is 2 days (Aug. 22 and 23)
- Buds, Leaves, and Global Warming (climate and seasonal change)
The Harvard Forest Schoolyard Ecology Program is funded by the Long-Term Ecological Research Program of the National Science Foundation, the Highstead Foundation, and private foundations and donors.
- Learn more and register for the workshop.
- Explore the program blog.
- Questions? Contact Pamela Snow, Schoolyard Ecology Coordinator, at
(Photo by Linda Castronovo)