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Woolly Bully: The Invasive Pest, the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid

Research Questions & Overview
Will the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA) destroy our hemlock trees forever?
How will our forest change if the hemlock disappears?
Grade Levels: 2-12
Minimum Field Time: Two field visits: tree growth measurements in September and HWA sampling in late winter / spring
Project Active: 2005 - present
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Project Resources
Related Research at Harvard Forest:
Forest Ecologist David Orwig has several ongoing studies that investigate forest response to the exotic pest, the hemlock woolly adelgid.
Schoolyard Research Methods:
Students can contribute to this study by learning to identify the signs of the woolly adelgid and by monitoring hemlock trees near their school for these signs. The data students record will help Dr. Orwig and other scientists throughout the Northeast.
- Teacher participates in the Summer Institute for Teachers to learn project content and methods. Teachers are provided with project materials.
- Teacher flags trees in schoolyard or local conservation area and maps the research site.
- Teacher and students collect data during designated time periods 1-2 times a year.
- Teachers are encouraged to attend one of the fall Data Workshops.
- Teacher and students provide data to the Schoolyard Coordinator (Katharine Hinkle).
- Data are posted on the Harvard Forest website.
- Teacher and students may choose to analyze their data and compare it to regional schoolyard data.
- Teacher and students are encouraged to come meet the scientist at the Harvard Forest.
- Teachers are encouraged to attend the Spring Workshop.