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Student Presents Research at National Conference

Mayra Rodríguez-González, a 2015 HF Summer Research Program student, recently presented her summer research results at the Council on Undergraduate Research's annual Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Symposium.
The symposium, held at the headquarters of the National Science Foundation (NSF) in Arlington, Virginia, featured presentations by students from REU programs in all disciplines and offered opportunities for students to meet with representatives from NSF.
Mayra, a senior at University of Puerto Rico--Bayamon, attended the conference with her summer mentor, HF senior ecologist Jonathan Thompson.
- Browse Mayra's research poster: Ecosystem services and hotspot distribution under four different land-use scenarios in Massachusetts, USA
- Read Mayra's blog post about her summer research (in Spanish and English)
- Learn more about the Harvard Forest Summer Research Program