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Harvard Forest Remembers Colleague David Kittredge

The lives of countless Harvard Forest staff, students, and colleagues past and present have been enriched by the life of David Kittredge (1956-2020), a great friend of the Harvard Forest and a champion of forests and conservation everywhere.
In addition to a 30-year career as faculty in the Environmental Conservation Department of the University of Massachusetts, for over 20 years, Dave was a Forest Policy Analyst at Harvard Forest, mentoring dozens of students and providing foundational thought and contributions to many research publications and conservation initiatives, including the Wildlands and Woodlands project. He also completed several Charles Bullard Fellowships at the Forest, conducting transformative research on the unique role played by family forest owners in managing and conserving New England's forests.
His legacy lives on in many continuing projects at Harvard Forest and throughout New England and in the countless lives he touched with his tireless work in forest ecology and conservation.
- Read the obituary.
- Learn more about the October 2019 award, presented by Harvard Forest, that honored his career.
(Photo by David Foster)