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Ecological Society of America Cooper Award Received

August 1, 2003
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The 2003 Cooper Award from the Ecological Society of America was presented to David Foster, Glenn Motzkin and Ben Slater for their paper: D. R. Foster, G. Motzkin, and B. Slater 1998. Land-use history as long-term broad-scale disturbance: regional forest dynamics in central New England. Ecosystems 1: 96-119.

The Cooper Award recognizes an outstanding contribution in geobotany or physiographic ecology.

Journal of Biogeography CoverConsideration for the Cooper Award was also given to a second publication produced by the Harvard Forest. The special issue: Journal of Biogeography, Volume 29 Numbers 10/11, October/November 2002. Pages 1267–1592. Insights from historical geography to ecology and conservation: lessons from the New England landscape.

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