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April 1, 2014

Bullard Spotlight: Laura Johnson and Global Conservation Practice

Laura Johnson, Harvard Bullard Fellow

Each month, we feature research by one of Harvard Forest's Charles Bullard Fellows. This month, we're highlighting Laura Johnson, who over the past three decades has served as a land conservationist working first with The Nature Conservancy, and then as president of the Massachusetts Audubon Society.

Johnson's project as a Bullard Fellow reflects on the influential tools and practices

March 31, 2014

Special Event: Merging Conservation and Agriculture in New England

One of the cow pastures at Harvard Forest

On Friday, April 11, Harvard Forest hosted a special public event on conservation and agriculture in New England.


10:00am: New England Food Vision
Brian Donahue (Brandeis University)
Find out more about the New England Food Vision, which is, in part, an extension of the Wildlands and Woodlands vision

March 18, 2014

Providing Support in Our Own Backyard

HF oak donation to Country Store

The Harvard Forest is home to science and education programs that benefit the region and the world, but we also recognize our role as part of a rural community in Central Massachusetts. Recent contributions to local enterprise include:

  • A $5,000 donation to the East Quabbin Land Trust for their efforts to renovate and reopen the Petersham Country Store, as well as
March 17, 2014

2014 Annual Harvard Forest Ecology Symposium

Uvularia sessilifolia

The 25th annual Harvard Forest Ecology Symposium is Tuesday, March 18, 2013 from 9:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. in the Fisher Museum at the Harvard Forest. 

View the recorded lectures

(2-3 minutes to load program; navigate to individual talks using lefthand toolbar)

Please contact Audrey Barker

March 10, 2014

Harvard Forest Woods Crew Leader Honored with Dean's Distinction

John Wisnewski with Dean Smith

John Wisnewski, long-time leader of the Harvard Forest Woods Crew, was honored this month with a Dean's Distinction award for his service to the Harvard University Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS) in 2013. He was one of just 35 individual awardees selected for distinction out of thousands of Harvard FAS employees.

In 2013, Wisnewski spearheaded the implementation of

March 10, 2014

2 Open Positions with the Science Policy Exchange

Science Policy Exchange wordmark

NOTE: All positions have now been filled.

As part of the Harvard Forest's commitment to building programs that connect science, communication, and policy outreach, recently we have helped to launch the Science Policy Exchange, which now seeks to fill two open positions

March 10, 2014

Bullard Spotlight: Franco Biondi and Reconstructions of Environmental Change

Franco Biondi at field site

Each month, we feature research by one of Harvard Forest's Charles Bullard Fellows. This month, we're highlighting Franco Biondi, a Professor in the Mackay School of Earth Sciences and Engineering at the University of Nevada, Reno. During his 2014 Bullard Fellowship at Harvard Forest, he's completing a book on dendrochronology, in which he discusses tree-ring methods for

February 24, 2014

New Guide Helps Ecologists Model Population Dynamics

Record and colleagues

Understanding how processes of growth, birth, and death influence species population size is key to managing populations of conservation concern. In a new paper in Methods in Ecology and Evolution, Harvard Forest Research Associate Sydne Record and colleagues from an international working group (pictured at left) from the Max Plank Institute for Demographic Research provide

February 18, 2014

Tracking Seasonal Change Using Digital Photography


A growing number of researchers, including Harvard Forest collaborator Andrew Richardson, are using automated digital cameras to study seasonal change in the forest canopy. As climate warms, the timing of leaf emergence in the spring and leaf-drop in autumn are in rapid flux, increasing scientists' need to precisely pinpoint and follow these seasonal changes.

In a new

February 14, 2014

Registration Open: LANDIS-II Training

LANDIS-II model simulating forest succession, disturbance, climate change and seed dispersal across large landscape

Registration is open for a multi-day LANDIS-II training at Harvard Forest (April 8-10, 2014). The LANDIS-II model simulates forest succession, disturbance (including fire, wind, harvest, insects), climate change, and seed dispersal across large landscapes. Workshop topics will include parameterization, simulating landscapes, and analyzing outputs.

Instructors:  Melissa Lucash, Harvard Forest post-doctoral fellow Matthew Duveneck, and
