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August 21, 2013

It's the Network: Decision-Making by Forest Landowners

Students interview landowners, 2012

A recent study led by Harvard Forest Policy Analyst David Kittredge reveals surprising trends in how private landowners--whose small holdings comprise the majority of forests in the eastern U.S.--make decisions about their land. 

The study shows that most landowners have an informal network of 7-10 people with whom they discuss general issues about their land. For major

August 5, 2013

New Study: Small Streams Transport Key Forest Nutrients

Bigelow Brook - upper pipe

Headwater streams--small tributaries in the outer reaches of a watershed--are the smallest parts of river networks. But collectively, they make up more than half the miles of flowing water in the U.S.  According to a new Harvard Forest study in the journal Ecosystems, headwater streams tell us volumes about the impacts of seasonal storms on forest ecosystems and

July 10, 2013

New Study: Changing Atmosphere Boosts Water Efficiency in Trees

Tower fish-eye view

A study published today in the journal Nature, led by Harvard faculty member Andrew Richardson and post-doctoral fellow Trevor Keenan, uses more than 20 years of data from Harvard Forest research towers to explain how rising CO2 levels help trees use water more efficiently.

As trees become more efficient at using water, the researchers explain,

July 5, 2013

Students Share Summer Research Experiences

Harvard Forest Summer Research Program students

Canopy robots, urban heat islands, invasive insects, and underground root photography: our 25 summer students are all blogging about their independent projects in our Summer Research Program, underway now.

One student reports, "Recently, my friends and I climbed Mt. Greylock (the tallest mountain in Massachusetts), and like that climb, this summer has certainly been a challenge. I have learned more

June 10, 2013

New Study: Whitebark Pine Seeds at Risk

Clark's Nutcracker

New insight on seed production patterns in whitebark pines raises new concern for the already-dwindling western trees and the animals that depend on them. The study, published today by HF senior ecologist Elizabeth Crone and post-doctoral fellow Josh Rapp in the Journal of Ecology, details how heavily the trees rely on abundant pollen to produce abundant

June 6, 2013

2013-2014 Charles Bullard Fellows Announced

2012-2013 Bullard Fellows

Harvard Forest is pleased to announce its Charles Bullard fellows for 2013-2014. The mission of the Charles Bullard fellowship program is to support advanced research and study by individuals who show promise of making an important contribution--either as scholars or administrators--to forestry and forest-related subjects, from biology to earth sciences, economics, politics, administration or law. Below is a list

May 28, 2013

Schoolyard Teacher Wins State Award

Lise LeTellier environmental education award

Harvard Forest Schoolyard Ecology teacher Lise LeTellier was honored this month at the Massachusetts State House with a first-place award for Excellence in Energy and Environmental Education.

Each year, LeTellier, a science teacher and head of the science department at Holyoke Catholic High School, leads 70+ students in hands-on Schoolyard Ecology studies in collaboration with the Harvard Forest. In a

May 8, 2013

Biennial Report Released

Harvard Forest Biennial Report 2013

A new report outlining the Harvard Forest's recent and emerging activities in science, education, policy, conservation, and forest management, was released today.

To request a hard copy, contact Clarisse Hart at or 978-756-6157.

April 24, 2013

"Ants of New England" Tops Book Society List

Field Guide to the Ants of New England

Senior ecologist Aaron Ellison's Field Guide to the Ants of New England has been named one of 4 winners of the 2013 New England Society (NES) Book Awards. The awards honor books of merit that celebrate New England and its culture.

In a press release, NES Book Awards Committee Chair Caroline Camougis stated, “The 2013

April 24, 2013

Advancing Community Leadership in Forest Conservation

Keystone Cooperators 2013

Twenty-five forest landowners and community leaders recently braved icy April weather to attend a three-day workshop at the Harvard Forest as part of the 24th annual Keystone Project. The Keystone Project training, led by Paul Catanzaro from UMass Extension and Dave Kittredge from the UMass Department of Environmental Conservation, covers topics including forest ecology and management, wildlife
