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Applications Now Open for LTER Student Research Awards

Beginning in 2020, research awards for graduate students incorporating Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) data and objectives have been awarded regularly through Harvard Forest's LTER Graduate Student Research Awards program. All students wishing to work with the HF LTER program are welcome. No prior association with the LTER program is necessary.
Applications are now open through April 1st, 2023.
To apply, please email the following information to Research Director Jonathan Thompson:
- A completed proposal including <1000 word project description and proposed budget of up to $2,500. Priority will be given to research proposals that incorporate: LTER long term data sets, advance objectives described in the LTER VI proposal (science, education, outreach are all OK), and collaborate across one or more career stages (REU, graduate students, post docs, senior scientists).
- A letter (or email) of support from your academic advisor OR an LTER Co-I sponsor.
For more information, please see LTER Graduate Student Research Awards.