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Registration Open for Schoolyard Ecology Spring Workshop: April 5th, 2024

Calling all Schoolyard Educators! We may be in the coldest portion of the winter, but it is time to think spring!
At our workshop this spring, we will be focusing on your successes. You will have a chance to share about what you and your students have been up to this year and any results you would like to share. Buds, Leaves, and Global Warming educators will learn the spring protocol from Dr. O'Keefe, and other educators will be able to opt into some choices including an experimental walk in the woods and discussions on other relevant topics.
We will also be celebrating our educators who have been contributing data for 5, 10, and even 15 years!
The workshop will be held in person at the Fisher Museum at Harvard Forest on Friday, April 5th from 9 am-3:30 pm. PDP's available.