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Harvard Forest Welcomes New Senior Ecologist

We are very pleased to announce that Elizabeth Crone, Associate Professor of Wildlife Biology at the University of Montana, will assume the new position of Senior Ecologist at the Harvard Forest this fall.
Elizabeth has a PhD in Botany and Genetics from Duke University and is a population ecologist with an emphasis on wildflowers, butterflies, and bees. Her research focuses on improving predictions of the effects of human-caused changes in landscape structure and climate on plant and animal population dynamics, and addressing challenges in conservation and management while advancing new approaches in theoretical ecology. To address emerging research questions, Elizabeth uses mathematical and statistical tools (such as Bayesian statistics and decision analysis), as well as experimental and observational field research.
Elizabeth's position will begin at half-time this fall as she transitions her graduate students and shifts her new and ongoing NSF-funded research to Petersham where she will be in full-time residence beginning January 2011.