All land is not created equal.Ecosystem "hotspots" do triple duty in the benefits they provide to society. A new study published today in the Journal of Applied Ecology reports that the number of ecosystem
A new study in the journal Nature Climate Change shows that states can gain large clean air and public health benefits from power plant carbon standards. The paper, co-authored by Kathy Fallon Lambert, HF Science & Policy Integration Project Director, also documents how these added benefits depend entirely on critical policy choices that will be made by
Bullard Fellow Wyatt Oswald, an Associate Professor of Science at Emerson College in Boston, has been affiliated with the Harvard Forest for more than a decade. Working closely with Harvard Forest collaborators David Foster and Elaine Doughty, he analyzes lake-sediment cores to reconstruct past environmental changes.
During his Bullard Fellowship, Oswald has synthesized various types of paleoecological data
The latest issue of IEEE Spectrum Magazine features, in layman's terms, the ins and outs of Harvard Forest's high-tech research infrastructure. Describing our myriad long-term ecological research experiments, writer Mark Harris quips, "If a tree falls in the Harvard Forest, rest assured that a gadget is positioned to hear it."
The workshop brought together academics to explore scientific methods for translating narrative scenarios of future landscape change into numeric estimates. Their work
Most forests in the eastern U.S. are young and growing fast. A new study published this week in the journal Ecology shows the potential for younger forests to maintain their valuable carbon 'sink' capacity for many decades to come -- but not in the way you might expect.
To explore the potential for young forests to store carbon over time, HF
Our Charles Bullard Fellowship Program draws scholars from around the globe. This year, Hannah Buckley and Bradley Case from New Zealand's Lincoln University are at the Forest working toward a better understanding of the links between forest spatial patterns and processes.
In collaboration with HF senior ecologist Aaron Ellison, they are using new methods in spatial
On December 1, researchers from the Harvard Forest were among a group of seventeen scientists to submit a public comment to the EPA's proposed Clean Power Plan. The effort was coordinated by the Harvard Forest-based Science Policy Exchange.
In the comment, the scientists summarize the benefits of a strong carbon standard for air quality and human health. Their