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August 1, 2004

Berkshires' Past Revealed

A team of Harvard Forest researchers recently obtained a sediment core from Benson Pond, which is located in the Berkshires of western Massachusetts. Paleoecology CrewUndeterred by rough roads, inclement weather, and thick pond-side vegetation, Masters of Forestry student Posy Busby, Undergraduate (REU) student Sarah Truebe, Elaine Doughty, Bullard Fellow Matts Lindbladh, and Wyatt

July 1, 2004

New Grant Funds Summer Institute for Teachers

The Harvard Forest, in collaboration with the Hitchcock Center for the Environment and the Millers River Environmental Center, offers a Teacher at the summer instituteForest Ecology training institute for teachers of grades 1-9, from Amherst, Athol, Orange and Montague. Teachers will learn how to implement field studies related to

June 1, 2004

New Harvard Forest Publication: Bayesian Interference in Ecology

Ellison, A.M. 2004. Bayesian inference in ecology. Ecology Letters 7: 509-520. 

June 1, 2004

Summer Students Descend on Forest

30 summer students have arrived as part of the Harvard Forest summer research program in ecology. Students come from all over the Summer REU IntermsUnited States to participate in on-going research projects including atmospheric pollution, global warming, hurricanes, treefalls, and insect outbreaks. Researchers come from many disciplines and institutions. Specific projects center

June 1, 2004

Major Step toward Land Protection - Wilson lot update

On May 6th a major step toward the protection and ultimate acquisition of the Wilson lot was taken when Mount Grace Land Riley's FieldConservation Trust (MGLCT) purchased the lot from the Wilsons (detailed description of land protection effort). As part of the purchase MGLCT signed a Purchase and Sale Agreement (P &

June 1, 2004

New Laboratory Equipment Awarded to Harvard Forest

Harvard Forest was recently awarded $59,640.00 from a National Science Foundation grant to purchase new nutrient analysis Lab equipmentequipment for community, ecosystem, hydrological, and physiological research. The grant was a Multi-User/Instrumentation and Instrument Development Grant (DBI-0400759) submitted in autumn 2003 by a team of researchers and collaborators including David Foster, David Orwig, Aaron

May 1, 2004

New Harvard Forest Publication: Impact of Hurricanes in Puerto Rico

Emery R. Boose, Mayra I. Serrano, and David R. Foster. 2004. Landscape and regional impacts of hurricanes in Puerto Rico. Ecological Monographs 74: 335-352.

May 1, 2004

Forest Harvesting in Massachusetts: Influences on Stand Composition and Invasive Plant Species

Harvesting is widespread across the western two-thirds of Massachusetts and is expected to continue into the future. Forest Harvesting MapComprehensive spatial data on harvesting activities are generally lacking, particularly for the non-industrial private forest (NIPF) lands that comprise ~80% of forests in the state. Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs (EOEA) has a

April 1, 2004

Forthcoming Harvard Forest Publication: A Primer of Ecological Statistics

A Primer of Ecological Statistics

Nicholas J. Gotelli & Aaron M. Ellison. 2004 A Primer of Ecological Statistics. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, Massachusetts

A Primer of Ecological Statistics explains fundamental material in probability theory and experimental design for ecologists and environmental scientists. The book is designed to serve as either a stand-alone or supplementary text for

April 1, 2004

Vernal Pool Comprehensive Guide - Available This Spring

Vernal pool book cover

Vernal Pools: Natural History and Conservation by Elizabeth A. Colburn, aquatic ecologist at Harvard Forest, is the first book-length
synthesis of the natural history, ecology, and conservation of the seasonally wet pools that occur throughout the formerly glaciated region of eastern North America -- essentially the Great Lakes Basin, New England, and adjacent areas of Canada and the
