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June 1, 2007

New Harvard Forest Publications

Land-use History Effect on Forest Ecosystems

We used stable N isotopes in tree rings and lake sediments to demonstrate that N availability in a northeastern forest has declined over the past 75 years, likely because of ecosystem recovery from Euro-American land use. Forest N availability has only recently returned to levels forecast from presettlement trajectories, rendering the trajectory of future forest

June 1, 2007

New Elemental Analyzer for John G. Torrey Laboratory

Harvard Forest has just acquired a new elemental analyzer for the John G. Torrey Nutrient Laboratory. Purchased with National Science Foundation LTER funding, the Elementar vario MICRO analyzer can be used for measurements of carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur. The new, user-friendly equipment is a nice complement to the Lachat 8500 autoanalyzer in the laboratory and is being used for a

May 1, 2007

New Harvard Forest Publications

Oswald, W. W., E. K. Faison, D. R. Foster, E. D. Doughty, B. R. Hall and B. C. S. Hansen. 2007. Post-glacial changes in spatial patterns of vegetation across southern New England. Journal of Biogeography 34, 900–913.

Lindbladh, M., W. W. Oswald, D. R. Foster, E. K. Faison, J. Hou, Y. Huang. 2007. A late-glacial transition from

May 1, 2007

Undergraduate Thesis Investigates the Effect of Harvesting on the Carbon-cycle

Harvard College senior Frances C. O'Donnell completed her thesis Carbon Dynamics of a New England Temperate Forest Five Years After Selective Logging. The thesis quantifies how the carbon source-sink dynamics of the forest were modified due to harvesting activities based on field work conducted at the Harvard Forest. Frances' advisor is Professor Steven Wofsy of the Harvard University

May 1, 2007

Fisher Museum Open on Weekends

Fisher Museum Diorama

Starting May 5th, the Fisher Museum will be open 12 - 4 on Saturdays and Sundays. The Fisher Museum features twenty-three internationally acclaimed models (dioramas) portraying the history, conservation and management of central New England forests. Other exhibits at the museum represent the range of Harvard Forest's research. 

May 1, 2007

Harvard Forest's 100 year old records made available with a Library Digital Initiative grant

For nearly a century, detailed records for all research and forestry operations on the Harvard Forest properties have been maintained HF Tabulation Sheetin the form of extensive research files, maps, photographs, and other materials. This information allows researchers to interpret the landscape history of research sites, and analyze how past natural and anthropogenic

May 1, 2007

2007-2008 Bullard Fellow Recipients Announced

The Charles Bullard fellowship program is to support advanced research and study by individuals who show promise of making an important contribution, either as scholars or administrators, to forestry and forest-related subjects from biology to earth sciences, economics, politics, administration or law. Below is a list of the 2007-2008 Bullard Fellow Recipients, you may also view the complete listing of

April 1, 2007

New Harvard Forest Publication: Plant Life History of Coastal Sandplain Grassland Taxa

Coastal sandplain grasslands of New England harbor a number of rare plant species, but few systematic management techniques have been developed to help foster or restore these critical habitats. Farnsworth (2007) applied a comparative, functional group approach to coastal sandplain grassland taxa in order to examine whether rare plant species share certain aspects of rarity and life history characters that

April 1, 2007

Harvard Forest in the News

Christian Science Monitor highlights the return of moose to Massachusetts due to landscape change and return of forest. As land was Forest then and nowcleared for farms in the Northeast, moose and other wildlife fled. Now that the trees are back, the moose are, too. Read the article. 

April 1, 2007

Summer Institute for Teachers

The Harvard Forest offers a Forest Ecology training institute for teachers of grades 2-12. Learn how to implement field studies related to local ecosystems with your students right in your schoolyard.

Previous participants have recently posted new Data Analysis lesson plans developed by experienced Schoolyard Ecology teachers: Nichole Ruggles, Kellie Robichaud, Kathleen Bennett, and Mary Gagnon along with support from
