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June 26, 2012

New W&W Update Celebrates Conservation Successes

W&W 2012 update cover

A newly published Update to the 2010 Wildlands and Woodlands report celebrates success stories of working forests, wildlands, and watersheds recently conserved through collaboration by governments, organizations, and private citizens across New England.

The next W&W Update, due in 2013, will profile the direct scientific work that continues to inform the region's forest policy and conservation, including several research

June 22, 2012

August Workshop & Webinar -- Future Scenarios of Landscape Change

Vineyard Highlands

On Friday, August 17, the Harvard Forest and Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute will host a 1-day workshop on emerging tools and tactics for understanding landscape vulnerability and resilience to global change. Content will focus on stakeholder engagement, quantitative landscape modeling, and scenario visualization (view the draft agenda).  


  • PLEASE NOTE: Registration for the workshop is now closed.
June 21, 2012

Vineyard Research in the News

Wasque beach erosion - photo by Rose Lincoln of the Harvard Gazette

This summer, HF Director David Foster and his research team are coring trees, extracting pond sediments, and recording vegetation and soil makeup in a Martha's Vineyard landscape that's rapidly eroding into the sea. The site is on the island of Chappaquiddick in an area called Wasque Point, a property owned by the Trustees of Reservations. This research is part

June 21, 2012

Summer Program Blog Highlights Student Research

Student working on research in the Torrey Laboratory at Harvard Forest

On the blog for the HF Summer Research Program in Ecology, our students describe their 11-week summer experience in their own words. Blog features include research project profiles, weekend excursion reports, and updates from program alumni.

2012 features so far: state changes in carnivorous plants, underground photography of root growth, native bumblebee and butterfly diets, and building a low-cost

June 8, 2012

NEON Breaks Ground

NEON groundbreaking

Leaders from the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Massachusetts Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA), and the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) joined Harvard Forest scientists and students today to celebrate the groundbreaking for NEON's first major research site. Harvard Forest is the core site for NEON's Northeastern domain, and will be the first of 20 such sites

June 7, 2012

Harvard President Visits Harvard Forest

David Foster leading a tour of Harvard Forest

Harvard University President Drew Faust and Professor Charles Rosenberg toured the Harvard Forest today, marking the first visit by a standing Harvard president in over 70 years.

A small group of research staff, faculty, and students toured the visitors around key long-term research sites and facilities at the Forest, including several studies by students in the

June 4, 2012

How Ants Help Our Forests

Prenolipis imparis (photo by Aaron Ellison)

A new Field Guide to the Ants of New England, co-written by Senior Ecologist Aaron Ellison, has led to a feature in Northern Woodlands on the ways that ants enrich our forests and our lives.

May 25, 2012

Summer Institutes for K-12 Teachers

Vernal pool study at Harvard Forest

The Harvard Forest is part of a national network of sites that supports K-12 teachers and students in conducting hands-on ecological research. See map of Harvard Forest schools. Teachers (grades 2-12) from all districts are encouraged to participate in our Summer Institute, the teacher orientation to our year-long Schoolyard Ecology program. 

Wednesday, July 25, at

May 31, 2012

Bees in the Forest?

Bees at Harvard Forest in 2012

In spring, trees are some of the first plants to produce pollen and nectar for bees. Food helps bumblebee queens establish colonies, similar to the way that early childhood nutrition is important for people throughout their lives.

This summer, HF Senior Ecologist Elizabeth Crone, ecologist Dash Donnelly, Harvard graduate student James Crall, and Harvard undergraduate Kelsey McKenna will be studying

May 24, 2012

Journalists Dig into Ecology at the Harvard Forest

Logan Science journalists at work

As part of a hands-on course in global change research, six science journalists from the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) Logan Science Journalism Program spent 3 days at the Harvard Forest in May, working alongside scientists to count Hemlock Woolly Adelgid, measure tree seedlings in herbivore exclosures, quantify carbon dioxide fluxes from a soil warming experiment, and core down to
