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May 1, 2008

2008-2009 Bullard Fellow Recipients Announced

The Charles Bullard fellowship program is to support advanced research and study by individuals who show promise of making an important contribution, either as scholars or administrators, to forestry and forest-related subjects from biology to earth sciences, economics, politics, administration or law. See the complete listing of Bullard Scholars from 1962 - the present. 

May 1, 2008

Harvard Forest Forest Canopy Camera Installed

Harvard Forest web cam over canopy

In April Harvard Forest's webcam went online, thanks to a grant to our collaborator, Andrew Richardson, at the University of New Hampshire. The camera, which is mounted at the top of the Environmental Measurement Station (EMS) deep in our Prospect Hill tract, records an image every 15 minutes. The view looks north from the EMS toward Prospect Hill

April 1, 2008

New Harvard Forest Publication: Garlic Mustard Suppression of Mutualistic Fungi Stronger in North America Than Europe

Harvard Forest Ecologist Kristina Stinson, along with former Bullard Fellow John Klironomos (University of Guelph) and researchers at University of Montana and Wright State University, followed up recent work on the antimicrobial properties of the invasive plant, Alliaria petiolata (garlic mustard). Their forthcoming paper in the journal Ecology provides new evidence for a novel mechanism by which garlic mustard disrupts

April 1, 2008

Wildlands and Woodlands: Gaining Ground

The 2008 Update has been released. In this issue, it describes momentum with a diverse constituency which has banded together in the Wildlands and Woodlands Partnership to promote the larger W & W vision. This group has encouraged the formation of regional partnerships focused on land protection and forest stewardship, promoted new policy initiatives to fund broad scale land protection

March 1, 2008

New Harvard Forest Publication: Spread and Distribution of Two Invasive Species

Spread and Distribution of Two Invasive Species across Southern New England

Forest ecologist David Orwig along with collaborators Evan Preisser (University of Rhode Island), Alexandra Lodge (Summer 2005 Summer Research Program student- Kenyon College), and Joe Elkinton (Umass, Amherst) report on the spread and distribution of 2 invasive species (hemlock woolly adelgid-HWA and elongate hemlock scale-EHS) across southern New England. This

March 1, 2008

New Harvard Forest Publication: Water Use in Hemlocks and Oaks

Water Use by Oak versus Hemlock: Implications for Ecosystem-level Effects of Hemlock Woolly Adelgid

The major significance of this paper is that it shows that a red oak-dominated forest, common in many areas of southern New England, uses more water in summer than an old-growth hemlock forest. As a result, if hemlocks that are killed by the hemlock woolly adelgid are

March 1, 2008

Dean Establishes Fund to Support FAS Courses Taught at Harvard Forest

The Forest is pleased to announce that FAS Dean Michael Smith has established a fund to support courses being taught at the Forest by FAS faculty. "The intent of the course is to reimburse the Forest for meals and lodging, thereby removing that financial constraint from department budgets so Cambridge-based courses will be encouraged to take advantage of educational opportunities

March 1, 2008

Annual Harvard Forest Ecology Symposium

CT Landscape

The nineteenth annual Harvard Forest Ecology Symposium will be held March 18, 2008 from 9:00am - 5:00pm at the Harvard Forest. This year's symposium will feature talks and discussion on: New England Landscape Response to Climate Change and Disturbance: Ecosystem Science Addressing Policy Concerns and The Future of Microbial Ecology at Harvard Forest.

February 1, 2008

New Harvard Forest Publication: Mangrove Management Activities

In June 2006, Harvard Forest Senior Ecologist Aaron Ellison delivered the keynote address at the 2nd Meeting on the Mangrove Macrobenthos. Selected papers from this meeting have just been published in the Journal of Sea Research. In the lead paper, Ellison addresses mangrove management activities in the broader context of the diversity of animals such as crabs and prawns that

February 1, 2008

New Harvard Forest Publication: Invasive Species Distribution and Historical Land Use

Despite the recognized importance of historical factors in controlling many native species distributions, few studies have incorporated historical landscape changes into models of invasive species distribution and abundance. We surveyed 159 currently forested sites for the occurrence and abundance of Berberis thunbergii (Japanese barberry), an invasive, non-native shrub in forests of the northeastern U.S., relative to modern environmental conditions, contemporary
