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March 1, 2010

21st Annual Harvard Forest Ecology Symposium

Climbing Tower

The tweny first annual Harvard Forest Ecology Symposium will be held March 16, 2010 from 9:00am - 5:00pm at the Harvard Forest. This year's symposium will feature talks and discussion:

  • Future directions and integration of atmospheric (tower-based), terrestrial and aquatic measurements, including anticipating the establishment of a 35-ha forest dynamics plot
  • Emerging results and synthesis of studies on foundation species from
February 1, 2010

Conservation Capital in the Americas

As the challenge of global climate change intensifies, environmentalists have called for redoubled efforts to preserve forests and CCA Coverecosystems that are critical in balancing greenhouse gas emissions. Conservation finance is the subject of this volume, based on a conference held in January 2009 in Chile attended by more than 100 conservationists and

February 1, 2010

New Harvard Forest Publication: Moose in Southern New England

After being extirpated from southern New England during the colonial period, moose have recently returned, establishing an important new disturbance to the region's temperate forests. In the first publication of moose foraging ecology in southern New England, Harvard Forest researchers Ed Faison, David Foster, and Glenn Motzkin along with US Fish and Wildlife biologist, John McDonald quantify moose foraging selectivity

February 1, 2010

Wildlife Pictures from Exclosure Cameras

Moose photo closeup

In the fall of 2008, Harvard Forest researcher and Highstead ecologist, Ed Faison along with Greta VanScoy mounted flashless digital game cameras on the moose and deer exclosures north of Fisher House and off Locust Opening Road. The goals were to document

  • the relative use of the unfenced plots by deer and moose,
  • the use of the partial exclosures by deer and
  • any
February 1, 2010

Harvard Forest in the News

To make visible the many new and ongoing newsworthy projects at the Harvard Forest, we have created a new section for the Harvard Forest website, called Harvard Forest in the News. Here you will find new and archived links to print, radio, and TV reports about the Forest, as well as an archive of our press releases. 

January 1, 2010

Long-term observations show that leaves on understory woody species emerge slightly ahead of those on overstory species

Phenology, the study of biological events controlled by climate, has received increasing interest recently as a method of measuring some ecological responses to a changing climate. In an ongoing study, Museum Coordinator John O'Keefe began observing the dates of leaf emergence, leaf expansion, leaf coloration and leaf fall of 33 native woody species in 1990. In this chapter

January 1, 2010

Honorable Mention in the Computing Research Association's Award Competition

2009 Harvard Forest REU student Cori Teshera-Sterne from Mt. Holyoke College received an Honorable Mention in the Computing Research Associations' outstanding undergraduate research award competiion for work she did while at the Harvard Forest Summer Program in Ecology. This award program recognizes undergraduate students in North American universities who show outstanding research potential in an area of computing

December 1, 2009

Graduate Student Gathering

2009 HF Grad Students

Harvard Forest sponsored a weekend retreat for its graduate student researchers to promote interactions and collaborations among students and across universities. Participants included:

  • Alix Contosta (University of New Hampshire – Frey lab),
  • Minda Berbeco (Tufts University – Orians lab),
  • Primrose Boynton (Harvard University – Pringle lab),
  • Eddie Brozstek (Boston University – Finzi lab),
  • Israel del Toro (University of Massachusetts – Ellison lab),
  • Poliana Lemos (Boston University
December 1, 2009

Massachusetts Initiative on Financing Forest Conservation

Led by Jim Levitt, the Director of the Program on Conservation Innovation, and with assistance from David Foster, the Harvard Forest is currently coordinating the work of the newly established Massachusetts Initiative on Financing Forest Conservation (FFC). Jim and FFC staff have recently convened an Advisory Board composed of leading conservationists from the public, private, non-profit and academic sectors in

December 1, 2009

New Freshman Seminar at Harvard Forest

David Foster, along with Kristina Stinson, Dave Orwig and other research staff at the Harvard Forest will conduct a new undergraduate course in Spring 2010 - Freshman Seminar 21w : Research at the Harvard Forest: Global Change Ecology-Forests, Ecosystem Function, the Future.

This course explores state-of-the-art research, tools and measurements used to investigate and predict climate change through ongoing studies at
