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November 1, 2003

Harvard Forest Land Protection Effort: The Wilson Project 2003 - 2004

The Issue

Harvard Forest has the largest and most comprehensive records of ecological change and human history for any site in NorthRiley's Field America. In the recent past, rural central Massachusetts has been bypassed by significant development leaving 90% forest cover and low population densities. However, today there has been a greater development pressure

October 1, 2003

Schoolyard Coordinator added to Education Program at Harvard Forest

Harvard Forest LTER and The Fisher Museum have hired Pam Snow to act as Schoolyard Coordinator. Pam will focus on grades K - 12 Pam Snowand bring the lessons of the long term ecological research projects to the classroom as well as lead groups here through the Museum and the surrounding

October 1, 2003

Moose Sightings at Harvard Forest

Several people have reported seeing moose on Harvard Forest property on the Prospect Hill tract. Even if you don't see the moose Moose caution signitself, you may see signs of its presence:

  • Moose consume large quantities of willow, birch, and aspen twigs
  • Moose often browse on small saplings, tearing off twigs and sometimes breaking the
September 1, 2003

Harvard Forest 2002-2003 Annual Report Available

The Harvard Forest 2002-2003 annual report has just been released and is now available on line in PDF format.                                   2002-2003 Harvard Forest Annual Report Cover

September 1, 2003

Harvard Forest Fall Seminar Series Begins September 5th

The Harvard Forest seminars are an interdisciplinary forum for invited speakers to present research on a wide range of ecological topics. The fall series runs from September 5 through December 19. Lectures are free and open to the public and are held Fridays at 11:00am. September speakers include:

  • David Lindenmayer, Australian National University and Harvard Bullard Fellow speaking on Two decades
September 1, 2003

Integrated studies of hemlock and hemlock wooly adelgid launched

HWA Hemlock

Across the eastern United States, hemlock is being killed slowly by the hemlock woolly adelgid, and rapidly by pre-emptive salvage logging. Investigators from the Harvard Forest, Harvard University, University of Bayreuth, University of California at Irvine, University of Massachusetts, University of New Hampshire, University of Vermont, and the Woods Hole Research Center have begun a long-term experimental study on how

August 1, 2003

Ecological Society of America Cooper Award Received

The 2003 Cooper Award from the Ecological Society of America was presented to David Foster, Glenn Motzkin and Ben Slater for their paper: D. R. Foster, G. Motzkin, and B. Slater 1998. Land-use history as long-term broad-scale disturbance: regional forest dynamics in central New England. Ecosystems 1: 96-119.

The Cooper Award recognizes an outstanding contribution in geobotany or physiographic

August 1, 2003

1830's Massachusetts Revealed With New Interactive Interface

In 1830 the State of Massachusetts mandated that each town complete a town map. These maps often show woodlands, roads, and 1830s Mapimportant buildings, providing a unique look at the landcover and cultural features of Massachusetts over 170 years ago.

Click here for more information about these maps. 

July 1, 2003

New Trail Signs Erected

During the first week of July, Harvard Forest will complete the installation of new interpretive signs along its Natural History Trail through John Sanderson's Farm. This quarter-mile long, easy walking loop has many points of interest that emphasize the current habitat plus evidence of the landscape history of the site during the 160 years since it was John Sanderson's
