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November 1, 2004

NEON: an update

NEON = National Ecological Observatory Network. "A proposed $100-300 million NSF program, NEON will be the first national

The Harvard Forest is currently serving as the Northeastern center (NEEON) for this program. More information about Harvard Forest's involvement with NEON can be found here. Since we are interested in connecting as broadly as

November 1, 2004

Vernal pools in fall and winter: A Book Signing

Vernal pool book cover

On December 1, 7:00pm, a book signing and slide show at Harvard Forest will celebrate the release of Vernal Pools: Natural
History and Conservation
, a new book by aquatic ecologist Betsy Colburn.

Vernal pools are small woodland ponds that are flooded in springtime by melting snow and rainfall. They range from seasonal pools that contain water for only a few

October 1, 2004

Successful First Summer Institute for Teachers

During the last weeks of August, Harvard Forest LTER hosted 20 teachers in a newly created Ecology Research in the Schoolyard Schoolyard TeachersSummer Institute for Teachers. The institute, funded by the National Science Foundation (EdEn Venture) and by Green Leaf Foundation, recieved an enthusiastic response from participants.

Harvard Forest, in collaboration with the Millers

October 1, 2004

Harvard Forest in the News: Restoration of Martha's Vineyard

"Five years ago Harvard University published a report with a plan to save the forest; the vision would return the forest to its natural Historical Influences Coverstate through a massive clearing project coupled with other measures like controlled burns. Now it appears that the state is ready to carry out the vision

September 1, 2004

Seminar Series Resumes

Harvard Forest's Annual Seminar Series begins September 24, 2004 at 11:00am, with new Post Doctoral Fellow - Rob MacDonald

A full schedule which is continually kept up to date is now available. 

September 1, 2004

Annual Report 2003 - 2004 now available

The Harvard Forest 2003-2004 annual report has just been released and is now available on line in PDF format.                                      2004 Annual Report Cover

September 1, 2004

Harvard Forest Featured in Special Issue

The Special Issue: Forest Ecology and Management. Volume 196, issue 1, 12 July 2004. Pages 1 - 186. is dedicated to The Harvard Forest Ecology and Management CoverForest (USA) Nitrogen Saturation Experiment: Results from the First 15 Years. Edited by John Aber, This special issue presents 11 papers that report in detail on

August 1, 2004

Berkshires' Past Revealed

A team of Harvard Forest researchers recently obtained a sediment core from Benson Pond, which is located in the Berkshires of western Massachusetts. Paleoecology CrewUndeterred by rough roads, inclement weather, and thick pond-side vegetation, Masters of Forestry student Posy Busby, Undergraduate (REU) student Sarah Truebe, Elaine Doughty, Bullard Fellow Matts Lindbladh, and Wyatt

July 1, 2004

New Grant Funds Summer Institute for Teachers

The Harvard Forest, in collaboration with the Hitchcock Center for the Environment and the Millers River Environmental Center, offers a Teacher at the summer instituteForest Ecology training institute for teachers of grades 1-9, from Amherst, Athol, Orange and Montague. Teachers will learn how to implement field studies related to

June 1, 2004

New Harvard Forest Publication: Bayesian Interference in Ecology

Ellison, A.M. 2004. Bayesian inference in ecology. Ecology Letters 7: 509-520. 
