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December 1, 2005

New Harvard Forest Publication: Loss of Foundation Species

This paper derived from an LTER cross-site workshop held at Harvard Forest Feb. 28-March 2, 2005. The workshop examined the responses of forest ecosystems to the loss of "foundation species" - single species that control population and community dynamics and modulate ecosystem processes. The workshop was supported by the LTER network office and included researchers from the Andrews, Baltimore, Coweeta,

December 1, 2005

New Harvard Forest Publication: Carnivorous Plants & Insects

An overview of interactions between carnivorous plants and insects published in the magazine of the Xerces Society, an international nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting biological diversity through invertebrate conservation. Jess Butler and Tony D'Amato came up with the title of the article. 

Ellison, A. M. 2005. Turning the tables: plants bite back. Wings, Fall 2005: 25-29.

December 1, 2005

Harvard Forest in the Media

Schoolyard Group

Harvard Forest Schoolyard Science Project in Boston Globe

The Harvard Forest Schoolyard LTER program continues to grow and has recently made the news. One of the four research projects currently supported through our program (Buds, Leaves, and Global Warming) was featured in an article in The Boston Globe.

The HF Schoolyard web page was also recently updated. Project descriptions, research protocols, suggested

November 1, 2005

New Harvard Forest Publication: Spatial Variation Essential In Predicting Landscape Change

Postdoctoral Fellow Robert McDonald examined deforestation patterns in the Raleigh-Durham metropolitan region over the last decade, building a set of models that enable prediction of patterns of deforestation into the near-term future. Different functional forms of the land-use change model are tested, and it is shown that having a model that allows for spatial variation in the rules of landscape

November 1, 2005

Wildlands and Woodlands: An Update

Since the release of the scientific report "Wildlands and Woodlands: A Vision for the Wildlands and Woodlands CoverForests of Massachusetts" calling for a bold new land protection effort to stave-off accelerating forest fragmentation in Massachusetts, many organizations and persons from the private forester to the public servant have expressed interest and/or endorsement of

November 1, 2005

Harvard Forest Bullard Fellow Revises Peterson's Field Guide

Revised by Elizabeth Farnsworth (Bullard Fellow) and Cheryl Lowe for the first time in 50 Peterson Field Guide To Ferns Coveryears, the new Peterson's Field Guide to the Ferns of Northeastern and Central North America introduces both amateur and professional plant enthusiasts to the ferns and related families of the northeastern United States.

October 1, 2005

New Harvard Forest Publication: Canopy Impacts Of The Hemlock Wooly Adelgid

Recent Bullard Fellow Bernhard Stadler, from the University of Bayreuth in Germany along with collaborators including Harvard Forest Ecologist David Orwig, examined the impacts of the introduced insect, the hemlock woolly adelgid on spatial and temporal canopy processes in New England hemlock forests. Results suggest that adelgid-induced changes in tree physiology, forest microbiology, and stand-level nutrient cycling occurred well in

October 1, 2005

New Harvard Forest Publication: Old-growth Forests on Wachusett Mountain

Forest Ecologist David Orwig documented approximately 100 acres of old-growth forest on the western slopes of Wachusett Mountain State Reservation in Princeton and Westminster, Massachusetts. This report contains information on tree ages and forest composition, as well as recommendations for protecting both the newly discovered forests and nearby existing old-growth forests on the Reservation.

Orwig, D. 2004. 

October 1, 2005

Harvard Forest Web Site Highlights Science Behind Autumn Leaf Color Change

Harvard Forest website created by John O'Keefe and 2004 Bullard Fellow, David Lee, Sugar MapleFlorida International University, focuses on leaf color change. The site will provide a central repository for images, references and scientific explanations and theories relating to leaf pigment changes. Though this site focuses on the New England area, the

October 1, 2005

US Postal Service Northeast Deciduous Forest Stamps Issued

The Postal Service has issued the Nature of America: Northeast Deciduous Forest Northeast Stampcommemorative souvenir stamp sheet. The sheet's reverse side provides the common and scientific names of the 27 animals and plants pictured on the front. The artist's rendition was modelled after Harvard Pond and was created with some input from Harvard
