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July 1, 2010

Field Wireless Network

Web camera on Harvard Forest Field Wireless Network

The Harvard Forest Field Wireless Network (HFFW) became operational this spring with funding from the National Science Foundation and Harvard University. The HFFW provides high-speed Internet access to field sites across the 400-ha Prospect Hill Tract, enabling researchers and students to monitor and control their equipment over the network and to collect and process data in real time.

One such

July 1, 2010

Artist-in-Residence: Regan Golden-McNerny

Art by Regan Golden-McNerny

From July 10 to 20, artist Regan Golden-McNerny will be visually investigating what scientists know about the woods, studying both Harvard Forest and Minnechoag Mountain, a more suburban forest in Ludlow. She will draw and photograph, visit field sites with researchers, and comb the archives here at Harvard Forest - and present her drawings, notes, and photographs for students and

July 1, 2010

Harvard Forest Welcomes New Senior Ecologist

Elizabeth Crone

We are very pleased to announce that Elizabeth Crone, Associate Professor of Wildlife Biology at the University of Montana, will assume the new position of Senior Ecologist at the Harvard Forest this fall.

Elizabeth has a PhD in Botany and Genetics from Duke University and is a population ecologist with an emphasis on wildflowers, butterflies, and bees. Her research focuses on

June 1, 2010

Grad student news: dissertation defense

Congratulations to Sydne Record, who successfully defended her dissertation on May 18. Sydne will be staying on at Harvard Forest as a post-doctoral researcher, working on two aspects of vegetation response to climate change: the expansion and allergenicity of ragweed (with Kristina Stinson), and the future distribution of forest trees (with Aaron Ellison). 

June 1, 2010

Harvard Forest Mega-plot Census Begins

Megaplot Map

Harvard Forest researchers, with the assistance of scientists from the Center for Tropical Forest Science (CTFS), began the census of woody stems within a 35 ha plot located on Prospect Hill. Using standardized CTFS methodology, every stem greater than 1 cm diameter at 1.3 m is measured, tagged, and mapped. During the summer, Forest Ecologist David Orwig and

June 1, 2010

Torrey Laboratory Renovations Completed

Torrey Laboratory

Harvard Forest is pleased to announce the opening of the newly renovated, ADA-compliant Torrey Laboratory for biogeochemistry and microbial ecology. Funded by a facilities grant from the National Science Foundation, the renovation includes new facilities and equipment to support research into terrestrial and aquatic biogeochemistry, soil microbial processes, and a dedicated microscopy suite. The lab provides new facilities for generating

June 1, 2010

Undergraduate Interns Arrive for Summer Program in Ecology

2010 REU Interns

34 summer students have arrived as part of the Harvard Forest summer research program in ecology. Students come from all over the United States to participate in on-going research projects for twelve weeks. Under the guidance and supervision of researchers at the Forest, students will work on projects related to land-use history, phenology, plant physiology, invasive species, insect ecology, and

May 1, 2010

Hemlocks in e-print and podcast

The first of a series of papers describing findings from the Harvard Forest Hemlock Removal Experiment has been published in Methods in Ecology and Evolution. In this paper, Aaron Ellison, Audrey Barker-Plotkin, David Foster, and Dave Orwig describe the design and methods of analysis of this large-scale, long-term experiment aimed at understanding the effects of the hemlock woolly

May 1, 2010

2010-2011 Charles Bullard Fellows Announced

Harvard Forest's mid-career fellowship recipients have been announced for 2010-2011. See all Charles Bullard Fellow recipients since its inception in 1962.


Home Institution

May 1, 2010

Graduate Student News: new grants for ant research

Congratulations to Israel Del Toro, who received two grants last month. The University of Massachusetts Natural History Collections awarded him $3000 for his collections-based research on distribution of ants in eastern North America, and the Ecological Society of America's Strategies for Ecology Education Diversity and Sustainability (SEEDS) program gave Del Toro the SEEDS Alumni Award, which will cover his expenses
