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January 24, 2012

New Book: Flora Nova Angliae

Flora Nova  Angliae cover

A comprehensive manual for the identification of native and naturalized plants of New England has recently been published by Yale University Press and is available for purchase at the Harvard Forest at a discounted rate. With more than 1,000 pages of plant information researched and written by Arthur Haines, and 945 illustrations by Gordon Morrison and Harvard Forest Research Associate

January 24, 2012

Former Bullard Fellow Featured in NYT Book Review

A recent book by Jerry Jenkins, former Bullard Fellow, warns of the effects of climate change on the biodiversity of the Adirondack Mountain region. A New York Times book review assesses the book and profiles the author.

January 24, 2012

Pitcher Plants in their Evolutionary Context

Pitcher Plant

Scientists at the Harvard Forest are trying to answer a question that is now more than 100 years old: how did the 11 different species of North American pitcher plant evolve? A new paper by Research Fellow Wyatt Oswald, Research Assistant Elaine Doughty, former Bullard Fellows Gidi and Rina Ne'eman, and Senior Ecologist Aaron Ellison, adds new insight to the

December 1, 2011

Harvard Forest Upgrades Video Conferencing Capabilities

Harvard Forest has upgraded its audio-visual and video conferencing capabilities with a generous departmental support grant from the Harvard University Tozier Fund. The Dr. Charles H. Tozier Fund was designated to support visual education in the sciences. The $40,000 grant supported the installation of a state-of-the art video display, wall-mounted camera, audio system, and wireless microphones for video conferences. The

December 1, 2011

HF Articles on Invasive Species Top Most-Read List

Journal Cover

An August 2011 article by HF forest ecologist Dave Orwig remains the most frequently downloaded article at the Canadian Journal of Forest Research. Also in the top ten is an article co-authored by Orwig and HF ecologist Kristina Stinson on invasive pests. To view the articles, visit the journal's webpage. 

December 1, 2011

New Data Workshop for K-12 Teachers

Betsy with teachers

Harvard Forest's Schoolyard LTER Program, which currently trains teachers from over 50 schools to conduct ecological research in their schoolyards, has added a new professional development workshop for teacher participants. In the Data Level III workshop to be held in January, teachers will work one-on-one with Harvard Forest ecologists to explore advanced graphing techniques for their students' Schoolyard data. The

December 1, 2011

Science & Policy: from Quandry to Innovation

On November 1-2, 2011 ecosystem scientists from four northeastern LTER sites met at the Harvard Forest for a workshop with policy and media experts to explore new approaches for expanding the impact of science in environmental decision making. Under the leadership of representatives from Harvard Forest, Hubbard Brook, Cary Institute, The Ecosystems Center/MBL, Syracuse University and the University of New Hampshire,

December 1, 2011

REU Student Presents Carbon Work at National Meeting

REU student Kate Eisen with tree

Kate Eisen, Summer Program for Ecology participant, presented a talk at the 2012 Society of American Foresters National Convention in Honolulu, Hawaii. The talk, "Long-Term Measurements Support Continuation of Northeastern Carbon Sink," was developed from her Summer 2011 research at the Harvard Forest. She worked with Collette Yee and mentor Audrey Barker Plotkin to complete the fifth census of

December 1, 2011

New Air Pollution Impacts Report

Harvard Forest Science & Policy Integration Project Director, Kathy Fallon Lambert, partnered with the Ecological Society of America to Issues in Ecology Coverco-author a new Issues in Ecology report, "Setting Limits: Using Air Pollution Thresholds to Protect and Restore U.S. Ecosystems" (available free as a PDF). The report provides an overview

December 1, 2011

Spotlight: Crone Lab


The researchers working in Senior Ecologist Elizabeth Crone's lab are engaged in a diversity of projects ranging from butterfly population dynamics to sugar maple seed production. Rui Zhang, a post-doctoral fellow who arrived in October, is collaborating with Finnish researcher Anne Jäkäläniemi to investigate how habitat transitions affect populations of Silene tartarica, an endangered riparian plant native to Finland. Post-doc
