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April 10, 2012

New Publication: Micro-climates in Declining Hemlock Forests

Hemlocks effected bu hemlock woolly adelgid

A new article by visiting researcher Nicky Lustenhouwer and HF researchers Aaron Ellison and Liza Nicoll reports impacts of forest decline, harvest, and regeneration in eastern hemlock stands affected by the invasive hemlock woolly adelgid.

Observed changes in soil and air temperature, as well as soil moisture levels -- all important ecosystem factors -- are the result of five years of microclimate

April 7, 2012

BioScience Features Lessons and New Directions from 30 Years of LTER

BioScience LTER issue

A special issue of the journal BioScience, guest-edited by David Foster, highlights the globally important role of the LTER network as it enters its fourth decade--including new research by Jonathan Thompson, linking land development trends to reduced forest carbon.

Long-term data from the Harvard Forest are incorporated throughout the six-article BioScience feature on LTER.

April 2, 2012

Graduate Student Wins Fulbright

Umass graduate student Israel Del Toro

UMass graduate student Israel Del Toro, advised by Harvard Forest senior ecologist Aaron Ellison, will spend the coming year (September 2012-September 2013) as a Fulbright Fellow working at the CSIRO Tropical Ecosystems Research Centre in the lab of Dr. Alan Andersen.

Del Toro's research will focus on how ant communities change across environmental gradients in the tropics

April 2, 2012

New Publication: Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Distribution and Impact in Central MA

Hemlock woolly Adelgid

A recent paper by David Orwig, Jonathan Thompson, David Foster, and several former Summer Research Program students discusses the factors influencing the spread of the invasive hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA) in central New England hemlock forests. 

Using aerial photographs, they investigated over 86,000 hectares (more than 200,000 acres) of hemlock forest in Central Mass. and subsampled 123 stands to

March 6, 2012

New England Forest Policy Agenda Endorsed by 85 Conservation Groups

Policy agenda cover

In a new report, 85 New England conservation organizations are urging federal lawmakers to help meet the region’s economic challenges by investing in the region’s forests.

The groups, convened over the past two years with leadership from Highstead, the Harvard Forest, and the Wildlands and Woodlands initiative, outline in their report seven policy opportunities to conserve forest resources and the

March 1, 2012

23rd Annual Harvard Forest Ecology Symposium

Black Gum Swamp Overstory

The twenty-third annual Harvard Forest Ecology Symposium will be held March 20, 2012 from 9:00am - 5:30pm at the Harvard Forest. This year's symposium will feature talks on New Science, Synthesis, Scholarship, and Strategic Vision for Society.  

Registration is now closed - as we are full to capacity

Abstract submissions are now being accepted. 

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February 28, 2012

Registration Open for Summer Field School in Archaeology & Paleoecology

Summer students mapping at Harvard Forest

On March 1, registration opens for the Harvard Forest Summer Field School in Archaeology and Paleoecology, a 6-week, credit-bearing course offered via the Harvard Summer School to undergraduates and graduate students from any institution.

2012 program dates are June 25 to August 3. The course will be taught by Dianna Doucette, an associate of the Harvard University Peabody Museum of Archaeology

March 1, 2012

Harvard Forest Post-Doc Wins Award

Sydne Record

Harvard Forest postdoctoral fellow Sydne Record has received a Professional Development Award from the Harvard FAS Office of Postdoctoral Affairs.

The funds will enable her to present her ragweed and climate change research with HF Ecologist Kristina Stinson at the LTER All-Scientists Meeting in Estes Park, Colorado this fall.

March 1, 2012

New Book: More Than a Woodlot

More Than a Woodlot book cover

More Than a Woodlot: Getting the Most from Your Family Forest, released this week by Harvard Forest Bullard Fellow Stephen Long, is an indespensible companion for landowners looking to take a more ecological approach to managing their woods.

From the book: "Whether you want to cut your annual firewood, see more wildlife, protect special places, sell timber, or plan for

February 27, 2012

125 Acres of Conserved Land Acquired and Further Protected by Harvard Forest

A road through the woods of Harvard Forest

The future of approximately 125 acres of land adjacent to Harvard Forest has changed from potential golf course development to scientific research and public access thanks to a lengthy conservation and legal saga that began with trees unlawfully harvested from Harvard Forest land in 2007. Read the press release and learn more about Harvard Forest's role in local
