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Jonathan Thompson Publications
[Note: At some point in in 2017 I adopted the convention of placing my name at the end of an author list when the work was done primarily in my lab. I’m still not sure how I feel about it.]
In Review:
Kalinin A. K. E. Sims, J.R. Thompson. Ecological effectiveness of protected areas in New England. In Review at Conservation Biology.
Gao, X., Zhou, Z., Ollinger, S. V., Matthes, J. H., Jiao, W., & J. R. Thompson, (2024). pnetr: An R package for the PnET family of forest ecosystem models. preprint posted to bioRxiv, 2024-11.
Song, Y., J. E. Aldy, N. M. Holbrook, J. R. Thompson. Entry choices and performance of forest-based carbon offset projects in regulated and voluntary carbon markets. Preprint Available.
Lee, L., V. Pasquarella, B. Glass, L. Morreale, N. Chung, J. R. Thompson. “A comparison shopper’s guide to forest datasets” In Review.
Published or in Press:
Thompson, J. R., Laflower, D. M., Plisinski, J. S., MacLean, M. G., Chu, H., Carpenter, D., Antos, K., Cooper, S., Gaertner, K., Judge, M., Mittelman, M., Ryor, J., Van Doren, W. 2025. Forest Carbon Study: The Impact of Alternative Land-use Scenarios on Terrestrial Carbon Storage and Sequestration in Massachusetts.
Barker Plotkin, A., Keevan, B., MacLean, M. Graham., Shiffrin, G., Thompson, J. R. 2025. Defoliation and demography interact to affect oak survival in Southern New England. Forest Ecology and Management 579: 122507.
Morreale, L. L., Thompson, J. R., Pasquarella, V. J., Hutyra, L. R. 2024. Edge cases: fragmentation and ecosystem processes in temperate forest landscapes. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment : e2828.
Thompson, J. R., Kalinin, A. Lee, Lucy G., Pasquarella, V. J., Plisinski, J., Sims, K. R. E. 2024. Do working forest easements work for conservation?. Environmental Research Letters 19: 114033.
Birdsey, R., Catanzaro, P., D'Amato, A., Foster, D. R., Kosiba, A., MacLean, M. G., Marx, L., Moomaw, W. R., Ontl, T. A., Riely, C., Shakun, J., Thompson, J. R. 2023. Report of the Climate Forestry Committee: Recommendations for Climate-Oriented Forest Management Guidelines
Tumber-Dávila, S. J., Lucey, T., Boose, E. R., Laflower, D., León-Sáenz, A., Wilson, B. T., MacLean, M. G., Thompson, J. R. 2024. Hurricanes pose a substantial risk to New England forest carbon stocks. Global Change Biology 30: e17259.
Pasquarella, V. J., Morreale, L. L., Brown, C. F., Kilbride, J. B., Thompson, J. R. 2023. Not-so-random forests: Comparing voting and decision tree ensembles for characterizing partial harvest events. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 125: 103561.
Manion, M., J. R. Thompson, K. Pickrell, L. Lee, H. Ricci, J. Collins, J. Plisinski, R. Jones, G. Kwok, D. Powell, and W. Rhatigan. 2023. Growing solar, protecting nature. Mass Audubon and Harvard Forest. DOI: Growing Solar, Protecting Nature Story Map
Foster, D., E. E. Johnson, B. R. Hall, J. Leibowitz, E. H. Thompson, B. Donahue, E. K. Faison, J. Sayen, D. Publicover, N. Sferra, L. C. Irland, J. R. Thompson, R. Perschel, D. A. Orwig, W. S. Keeton, M. L. Hunter Jr., S. A. Masino, and L. Howell. 2023. Wildlands in New England. Past, Present, and Future. Harvard Forest Paper 34. Harvard University.
Faison, E. K., Laflower, D., Morreale, L. L., Foster, D. R., Hall, B., Johnson, E., Thompson, J. R. 2023. Adaptation and mitigation capacity of wildland forests in the northeastern United States. Forest Ecology and Management 544: 121145.
Markowski-Lindsay, M., Catanzaro, P., Robillard, A., Butler, B. J., Orwig, D. A., D’Amato, A. W., Thompson, J. R., Laflower, D. M., MacLean, M. G., Itter, M. 2023. Forester and Logger Response to Emerald Ash Borer in Massachusetts and Vermont: a Secondary Disturbance. Journal of Forestry 10.1093/jofore/fvad019: fvad019.
Kalinin, A. V., Sims, K. R. E., Meyer, S. R., Thompson, J. R. 2023. Does land conservation raise property taxes? Evidence from New England cities and towns. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 10.1016/j.jeem.2022.102782: 102782. tax paper summary
Liang, Y., Gustafson, E. J., He, H. S., Serra-Diaz, J. M., Duveneck, M. J., Thompson, J. R. 2022. What is the role of disturbance in catalyzing spatial shifts in forest composition and tree species biomass under climate change?. Global Change Biology 10.1111/gcb.16517: 18 pp.
Meyer, S. R., Kapur Macleod, K., Thompson, J. R., Foster, D. R., Perschel, R., St. Clair Knobloch, N., Leibowitz, J., Donahue, B., Giffen, A., Vaughn, T., Whalen, T., Labich, B., Colnes, A., Ammermuller, J. 2022. New England’s Climate Imperative: Our Forests as a Natural Climate Solution.
Campbell, J. L., Driscoll, C. T., Jones, J. A., Boose, E. R., Dugan, H. A., Groffman, P. M., Jackson, C. R.., Jones, J. B., Juday, G. P., Lottig, N. R., Penaluna, B. E., Ruess, Roger W., Suding, K., Thompson, J. R., Zimmerman, J. K. 2022. Forest and Freshwater Ecosystem Responses to Climate Change and Variability at US LTER Sites. BioScience 72:851-870.
Rastetter, E.B., Kwiatkowski, B.L., Kicklighter, D.W., Barker Plotkin, A., Genet, H., Nippert, J.B., O'Keefe, K., Perakis, S.S., Porder, S., Roley, S.S., Reuss, R.W., Thompson, J.R., Wieder, W.R., Wilcox, K., Yanai, R.D. 2022. N and P Constrain C in Ecosystems under Climate Change: Role of Nutrient Redistribution, Accumulation, and Stoichiometry. Ecological Applications: e2684, 29 pp.
Sims, K. R. E., Lee, L. G., Estrella-Luna, N., Lurie, M., Thompson, J. R. 2022. Environmental justice criteria for new land protection can inform efforts to address disparities in access to nearby open space. Environmental Research Letters 17: 064014. Web map Supplementary Information S.I.
Hall, J. S., Plisinski, J. S., Mladinich, S. K., Van Breugel, M., Lai, H. R., Asner, G. P., Walker, K., Thompson, J. R. 2022. Deforestation scenarios show the importance of secondary forest for meeting Panama’s carbon goals. Landscape Ecology: 22 pp.
Morreale, L. L., Thompson, J. R., Tang, X., Reinmann, A. B., Hutyra, L. R. 2021. Elevated growth and biomass along temperate forest edges. Nature Communications 12: article 7181, 8 pp.
Holt, J. R., Smetzer, J. R., Borsuk, M. E., Laflower, D., Orwig, D. A., Thompson, J. R. 2021. Emerald ash borer intensifies harvest regimes on private land. Ecological Applications e2508: 36 pp.
Cinoglu, D., Epstein, H. E., Tepley, A. J., Anderson-Teixeira, K. J., Thompson, J. R., Perakis, S. S. 2021. Climatic Aridity Shapes Post-Fire Interactions between Ceanothus spp. and Douglas-Fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) across the Klamath Mountains. Forests 12: article 1567, 15 pp.
Holt, J. R., Butler, B. J., Borsuk, M. E., Markowski-Lindsay, M., MacLean, M. G., Thompson, J. R. 2021. Using the Theory of Planned Behavior to Understand Family Forest Owners’ Intended Responses to Invasive Forest Insects. Society and Natural Resources. DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2021.1924330: 18 pp.
MacLean, M. G., Duveneck, M. J., Plisinski, J., Morreale, L. L., Laflower, D., Thompson, J. R. 2021. Forest carbon trajectories: Consequences of alternative land-use scenarios in New England. Global Environmental Change 69: article 102310, 28 pp.
Bahlai, C. A., Hart, C., Kavanaugh, M. T., White, J. D., Ruess, R. W., Brinkman, T. J., Ducklow, H. W., Foster, D. R., Fraser, W. R., Genet, H., Groffman, P. M., Hamilton, S. K., Johnstone, J. F., Kielland, K., Landis, D. A., Mack, M.C., Sarnelle, O., Thompson, J. R. 2021. Cascading effects: insights from the U.S. Long Term Ecological Research Network. Ecosphere 12: article e03430, 29 pp.
Swanson F.J., Foster D.R., Driscoll C.T., Thompson J.R., Rustad L.E. (2021) How LTER Site Communities Can Address Major Environmental Challenges. In: Waide R.B., Kingsland S.E. (eds) The Challenges of Long Term Ecological Research: A Historical Analysis. Archimedes (New Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology), vol 59. Springer, Cham.
Vellend, M., Thompson, J. R., Danneyrolles, V., Rousseu, F. 2020. Changes in landscape-scale tree biodiversity in the north-eastern USA since European settlement. Global Ecology and Biogeography 10.1111/geb.13248: 8 pp.
Thompson, J. R., Laflower, D., Plisinski, J., Graham MacLean, M. 2020. Land Sector Report. A Technical Report part of the Massachusetts Decarbonization Study. Massachusetts 2050 decarbonization roadmap. 62 pp.
Reinmann, A. B., Smith, I. A., Thompson, J. R., Hutyra, L. R. 2020. Urbanization and fragmentation mediate temperate forest carbon cycle response to climate. Environmental Research Letters 15: article 114036, 12 pp.
Finzi, A. C., Giasson, M.-A., Barker Plotkin, A., Aber, J. D., Boose, E. R., Davidson, E. A., Dietze, M. C., Ellison, A. M., Frey, S. D., Goldman, E., Keenan, T. F., Melillo, J. M., Munger, J. W., Nadelhoffer, K. J., Ollinger, S. V., Orwig, D. A., Pederson, N., Richardson, A. D., Savage, K., Tang, J., Thompson, J. R., Williams, C. A., Wofsy, S. C., Zhou, Z., Foster, D. R. 2020. Carbon budget of the Harvard Forest Long-Term Ecological Research site: pattern, process, and response to global change. Ecological Monographs 10.1002/ECM.1423: 95 pp.
Guswa, A. J., Hall, B., Cheng, C., Thompson, J. R. 2020. Co-designed Land-use Scenarios and their Implications for Storm Runoff and Streamflow in New England. Environmental Management 10.1007/s00267-020-01342-0: 16 pp.
Thompson, J. R., J. Plisinski, K. Fallon Lambert, M. J. Duveneck, L. Morreale, M. McBride, M. Graham MacLean, M. Weis, L. Lee. Spatial simulation of co-designed land-cover change scenarios in New England: Alternative futures and their consequences for conservation priorities. Earth's Future 8:e2019EF001348, 23 pp.
Maxwell, C. J., Serra-Diaz, J. M., Scheller, R. M., Thompson, J. R. 2020. Co-designed management scenarios shape the responses of seasonally dry forests to changing climate and fire regimes. Journal of Applied Ecology 10.1111/1365-2664.13630: 13 pp.
MacLean, M. G., Holt, J., Borsuk, M. E., Markowski-Lindsay, M., Butler, B. J., Kittredge, D. B., Duveneck, M. J., Laflower, D., Orwig, D. A., Foster, D. R., Thompson, J. R. 2020. Potential Impacts of Insect-Induced Harvests in the Mixed Forests of New England. Forests 11: 498, 19 pp.
Holt, J. R., M. E. Borsuk, B. J. Butler, D. B. Kittredge, D. Laflower, M. Graham MacLean, M. Markowski-Lindsay, D. Orwig, J. R. Thompson. 2019. Landowner functional types to characterize response to forest insects. People and Nature 10.1002/pan3.10065: 13 pp.
Markowski-Lindsay, M., M. E. Borsuk, B. J. Butler, M. J. Duveneck, J. Holt, D. B. Kittredge, D. Laflower, M. Graham MacLean, D. Orwig, J. R. Thompson. 2020. Compounding the disturbance: family forest owner reactions to invasive insects. Ecological Economics 167:article 106461, 8pp.
Simoes, J., Markowski-Lindsay, M., Butler, B. J., Kittredge, D. B., Thompson, J., Orwig, D. A. 2019. Assessing New England family forest owners' invasive insect awareness. Journal of Extension 57: article 3RIB2, 17 pp.
Helcoski, r. A. J. Tepley, N. Pederson, J. C. McGarvey, V. Meakem, V. Herrmann, J. R. Thompson, and K. J. Anderson-Teixeira. 2019. Growing season moisture drives interannual variation in woody productivity of a temperate deciduous forest. New Phytologist 10.1111/nph.15906: 13 pp.
Smith, I. A., L. Hutyra, A. B. Reinmann, J. R. Thompson, D. W. Allen. 2019. Evidence for edge enhancements of soil respiration in temperate forests. Geophysical Research Letters 46: 10 pp.
C. Nolte, S. Meyer, K. Sims, J. R. Thompson. 2019. Voluntary, permanent land protection reduces forest loss and development in a rural-urban landscape. Conservation Letters 1:9.
Sims, K. R. E., J. R. Thompson, S. R. Meyer, C. Nolte, J. S. Plisinski. 2019. Assessing the local economic impacts of land protection. Conservation Biology.
McKenzie, P. F., M. J. Duveneck, L. L. Morreale, and J. R. Thompson. 2019. Local and global parameter sensitivity within an ecophysiologically based forest landscape model. Environmental Modelling & Software 117:1-13.
Duveneck, M. J. and J. R. Thompson. 2019. Social and biophysical determinants of future forest conditions in New England: Effects of a modern land-use regime. Global Environmental Change 55:115-129.
Hastings, S., D. Laflower, J. R. Thompson. 2019. Indirect consequences of forest carbon offsets include benefits and detriments. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 17 (3)143:144. doi:10.1002/fee.2018
Lacher, I., T. Akre, W. J. McShea, M. McBride, J. R. Thompson, C. Fergus. 2019. Engaging regional stakeholders in scenario planning for the long-term preservation of ecosystem services in northwestern Virginia. Case Studies in the Environment 1-13.
McBride, M., M. J. Duveneck, K Fallon Lambert, K. A. Theoharides. J. R. Thompson. 2019. Perspectives of resource management professionals on the future of New England’s landscape: Challenges, barriers, and opportunities. Landscape and Urban Planning. 188:30-42.
Jose-Lopez, M., T. Marcey, M. Lucash, D. Hibbs, J. Shatford, J. R. Thompson. 2019. Post-fire management affects species composition but not Douglas-fir regeneration in the Klamath Mountains. Forest Ecology and Management 432:1030-1040.
Helcoski, R., A. Tepley, J. McGarvey, E. Gonzalez, V. Meakem, J. R. Thompson, K. A. Anderson-Teixeira. 2018. No significant increase in tree mortality following coring in a temperate hardwood forest. Tree Ring Research 75(1):67-72.
Fallon Lambert K., McBride M., M. Weiss, J. R. Thompson, K. A. Theoharides, P. Field. 2018. Voices from the Land: Listening to New Englanders' Views of the Future. Harvard Forest, Harvard University and the Science Policy Exchange. ISBN: 978-962-14667-5.
Miller, A. D., J. R. Thompson, A. J. Tepley, and K. J. Anderson-Teixeira. 2018. Alternative stable equilibria and critical thresholds created by fire regimes and plant responses in a fire-prone community. Ecography 41:1-12. doi: 10.1111/ecog.03491
Smith, I., L. R. Hutyra, A. Reinmann, J. Marrs, and J. R. Thompson. 2018. Piecing together the fragments: Elucidating edge effects on forest carbon dynamics. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 169213-2210
Serra Diaz, J. M., C. Maxwell, M Lucash, R. M. Scheller, D. LaFlower, A. Miller, A. Tepley, H. Epstein, K. Anderson Teixeira, and J. R. Thompson. 2018. Disequilibrium of fire-prone forests sets the stage for a rapid decline in conifer dominance during the 21st century. Scientific Reports 8:6749. DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-24642-2.
Thompson, J. R., J. Plisinski, P. Olofson, C. Holden, M. Duveneck. Forest loss in New England: A projection of recent trends. PLoS ONE 12(12): e0189636
Liang, Y., M. Duveneck, E. Gustafson, J. Serra-Diaz, J. R. Thompson. 2017. How disturbance, competition and dispersal interact to prevent tree range boundaries from keeping pace with climate change. Global Change Biology.
Duveneck M. D. and J. R. Thompson. 2017. Climate change imposes phenological tradeoffs on forest net primary productivity. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences
McBride, M., K. F. Lambert, E. S. Huff, K. A. Theoharides, P. Field, and J. R. Thompson. 2017. Increasing the effectiveness of participatory scenario development through codesign. Ecology and Society 22(3):16.
Kittredge D. B., J. R. Thompson, L. Morreale, A. Short, L. Hutyra. 2017. Timber harvesting along a suburban - rural continuum through time. Ecosphere. 10.1002/ecs2.1882
Shifley S., H. He, H. Leschke, W. Wang, W. Jin, E. Gustafson, J. R. Thompson, F. Thompson, W. Dijak, J. Yang. 2017. The past and future of modeling forest dynamics: from growth and yield curves to forest landscape models. Landscape Ecology. 32:1307-1325
Tepley, A. J., J. R. Thompson, H. Epstein, K. Anderson-Teixeira. 2017. Vulnerability to forest loss through altered post-fire recovery dynamics in a warming climate in the Klamath Mountains. Global Change Biology
Thompson, J. R., C. D. Canham, L. Morreale, D. B. Kittredge, B. Butler. 2017. Social and biophysical variation in regional timber harvest regimes. Ecological Applications (27) 942-955
Xiao, J., Y. Liang, H. He, J.R. Thompson, W. Wang, J. Fraser, Z. Wu. 2017. The formulations of site-scale processes affect landscape-scale forest change predictions: A comparison between LANDIS PRO and LANDIS-II forest landscape models. Landscape Ecology 32:1347-1363.
Duveneck, M.D., J. R. Thompson, E. Gustafson, and A. de Bruijn. 2017. Recovery dynamics and climate change effects to future New England forests. Landscape Ecology doi:10.1007/s10980-016-0415-5
Thompson, J. R. 2017. Reciprocity in ecological understanding (Book Review) Ecology 98(3):1939-1940.
Thorn, A. J. R. Thompson, J. Plisinski. 2016. Patterns and Predictors of Recent Forest Conversion in New England. Land. 5(3), 30; doi:10.3390/land5030030
Mallampalli VR, Mavrommati G, Thompson JR, Duveneck MJ, Meyer SR, Ligmann-Zielinska A, Druschke C, Hychka K, Kenny M, Kok K, Borsuk ME. 2016. Methods for translating narrative scenarios into quantitative assessments of land-use change. Environmental Modeling and Software. 82:7–20.
Thompson, J. R., K. F. Lambert, D. R. Foster, M. Blumstein, E. Broadbent, A. Almeyda, Y., Fan. 2016. The consequences of four land-use scenarios for forest ecosystems and the services they provide. Ecosphere. 7(10):e01469. 10.1002/ecs2.1469
Thompson JR, Simons-Legaard E, Legaard KR, Domingo JB. 2016. A LANDIS-II extension for incorporating land use and other disturbances. Environmental Software and Modeling. 75:202-205
Kittredge D. B. and J. R. Thompson 2016 Timber harvesting behavior in Massachusetts: does price matter to private landowners? Small Scale Forestry 10.1007/s11842-015-9310-1
Anderson-Teixeira, K., J. C. McGarvey, H. Muller-Landau, J. Park, E. Gonzalez, A. Bennett, N. Bourg, J. R. Thompson, S. M. McMahon, and W. J. McShea. 2015. Scaling of ecological form and function in a closed-canopy forest subject to variable environmental conditions. Functional Ecology. doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.12470
Blumstein M. and J. R. Thompson. 2015. Land use impacts on ecosystem services in Massachusetts, USA. Journal of Applied Ecology. doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.12444
Duveneck M. D., J.R. Thompson, and T. B. Wilson 2015. An Imputed Forest Composition Map for New England Screened by Species Range Boundaries. Forest Ecology and Management. 347 107-115.
McGarvey JC, Thompson J.R., Epstein HE, Shugart HH. 2015. Carbon storage in old-growth forests of the Mid-Atlantic: toward better understanding the eastern forest carbon sink. Ecology 96:311–7.
Thompson J.R. 2014. Our most forested state. (Book Review) Rhodora. Vol. 116, No. 967, pp. 359-362.