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Bullard Scholar Recipients (1962-2024)

Meghan Blumstein
National Science Foundation
Predicting red oak range and untangling the genetics of leaf-out in oak
Cheryll Holley
Hassanamisco Nipmuc Band
Indigenous-centered management planning for Nipmuc-stewarded forests
Sam Ma
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Forest-soil microbiomes: A cross-scale investigation with metacommunity networks, evolutionary games, fault-tolerance theory and AI approaches
Noah McDonald
Southeastern African American Farmers' Organic Network
Understanding the history, social context, and species composotion of native grasses at Harvard Farm
Ahmed Siddig
University of Khartoum
Assessing tree diversity, distribution, and conservation status in conflict-affected areas of Sudan
Maciej Zwieniecki
UC Davis
Analysis of non-structural carbohydrates reserves’ spatiotemporal management strategies within forest ecosystems
Jennifer Bhatnagar
Boston University
Shifting plant-fungal associations with historical land use change and the consequences for ecosystem recovery
Michael Dietze
Boston University
Harvard Forest carbon cycle forecasting: Testbed and anchor
Daniel Grossman
Freelance journalist
Nature's Carbon Storehouses: The temperate forest carbon sink at the Harvard Forest
Lynda Mapes
The Seattle Times
The cutting of our first forests: Indigenous-led conservation movements
Rinku Roy Chowdhury
Clark University
Design Principles, Land Sharing, and Land Sparing in New England's Forest Commons: How Anthropogenic Drivers, Environmental History and Stewardship Networks are Shaping Forest Landscapes and Resilience Across Rural-Urban Gradients
Michael Stambaugh
University of Missouri
Changes in fire regimes across the eastern United States from about year 1500 to the present
Patrick Baker
University of Melbourne
Forest stand dynamics, dendrochronology, and silviculture
Rakefet David-Schwartz
ARO, Volcani Center, Israel
Analysis of the trade-offs between viscosity and turger during drought stress in the phloem of trees
Christian Marks
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Investigating trade-offs betweeen hydraulic and mechanical functions that govern wood density
Brian Sturtevant
US Forest Service Northern Research Station
Evaluating the ability of a forest landscape model to simulate key processes governing forest system response to disturbance
Pamela Templer
Boston University
Carbon sequestration in mixed temperate and northern hardwood forests of New England
Nancy Johnson
Northern Arizona University
Influence of long-term fertilizer trials on the microbiomes associated with plant roots and mycorrhizal fungi
Thomas Rawinski
USDA Forest Service
Impacts of white-tailed deer overabundance on forests
Shearwell, LLC
Shifts in the definition of "fiduciary responsibility" during an era of climate emergency
Kristen DeAngelis
University of Massachusetts--Amherst
Effects of long-term warming on Actinomycetes
Jean-Claude Gegout
Impact of global change on the growth of temperate herbaceous plants, comparing herbarium and contemporary specimens
Hannah Gosnell
Oregon State University
Human dimensions of forest and range management, exploring links between environmental governance and rural landscape change
Matts Lindbladh
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Forest history of southern Sweden
Anna Sala
University of Montana
Plant physiological ecology
Anne Short Gianotti
Boston University
Processes that drive wildlife management and conservation decisions in suburban and urban areas
Timothy Cook
University of Massachusetts--Amherst
Causes and impacts of Holocene climate and environmental change
Linda Deegan
Woods Hole Research Center
Impacts of human land use, invasive forest pests, and climate change on aquatic ecosystems
Susan Masino
Trinity College
Forests and brain health
Justin Maxwell
University of Indiana--Bloomington
Drought response in eastern US trees
Robin Sears
Hampshire College
Science-policy nexus in forestry
(See HF web highlight)
Thomas Sherry
Tulane University
Ecological and evolutionary approaches to competition and community structure in birds
(See HF web highlight)
Noah Snyder
Boston College
Causes and impacts of Holocene climate and environmental change
Noah Charney
University of Arizona
New book that explores the ecological and historical narratives of field sites
(See HF web highlight)
Isabelle Chuine
Centre d'Ecologie Fonctionnelle & Evolutive, France
Modeling phenology and ecological niches of forest trees
(See HF web highlight)
Guillermo Goldstein
University of Miami
Tree physiology: survival of living tissue in subzero temperatures
Nicole St. Clair Knobloch
New England Forestry Foundation's "Build It with Wood" program
Innovative conservation finance in three regions of Massachusetts
Maureen Puettmann
WoodLife Environmental Consultants
Life cycle analysis of the environmental impacts of HF's new wood heating system
Crystal Schaaf
UMass Boston
Combining remote sensing and forestry field data to investigate Northeastern forest canopy changes due to hemlock woolly adelgid
(See HF web highlight)
Eric Washburn
Windward Strategies
New book that focuses on future stresses and drivers of change in U.S. forests
David Basler
University of Basel (Switzerland)
Plant-climate interactions with a focus on tree phenology
David Buckley Borden
Arts-based science communication, landscape scenario visualization
(see HF web highlight)
Walter Carson
University of Pittsburgh
Tropical and temperate forest ecology
Lucy Hutyra
Boston University
Biogeochemistry in forest systems and urban areas
Brenden McNeil
West Virginia University
Remote sensing: canopy architectural properties of tree species
Klaus Puettmann
Oregon State University
Development of new silvicultural approaches to increase the adaptive capacity of forest ecosystems
Michael Reed
Tufts University
Extintion risk in human-dominated landscapes
Robinson Fulweiler
Boston University
The role of forests in the export of Silica from land to aquatic ecosystems
David Kittredge
University of Massachusetts--Amherst
How landowner decisions influence future landscape change
(see HF web highlight)
Martha Lyman
Science, economics, and design of a natural infrastructure program
Jason McLachlan
University of Notre Dame
Integrating long-term ecological data into ecosystem models
Rose-Marie Muzika
University of Missouri
The role of insects and disease in forest succession
(see HF web highlight)
Yude Pan
USDA Forest Service
Impacts of elevated CO2 and disturbances on terrestrial ecosystems
Joshua Rapp
University of California
Interactive effects of climate, land use, and intensified sugar bush management on the New England maple syrup industry
(see HF web highlight)
Robert Scheller
Portland State University
Climate adaptation policies and implementation for U.S. forests
Hannah Buckley
Lincoln University (New Zealand)
Modeling the temporal dynamics of biological communities
(see HF web highlight)
Bradley Case
Lincoln University (New Zealand)
Uncertainties in spatial data of vegetation dynamics
(see HF web highlight)
Betsy Colburn
Harvard Forest
Effects of farming on soil and water
(see HF web highlight)
Anthony D'Amato
University of Minnesota
Stand dynamics of old-growth eastern hemlock forests
(see HF web highlight)
Lynda Mapes
The Seattle Times
Book project: The Witness Tree (literary non-fiction)
(see HF web highlight)
Wyatt Oswald
Emerson College
Consequences for forests and people of prehistoric climate change and insect outbreaks
(see HF web highlight)
Anne Pringle
Harvard University
Microbial biodiversity at the Harvard Forest
Peter Thomas
Keele University (UK)
Forest management and ecosystem services
(see HF web highlight)
Diana Tomback
University of Colorado - Denver
Impacts of the loss of whitebark pine on ecosystems and wildlife
(see HF web highlight)
Nigel Asquith
Fundacion Natura Bolivia
Incentive-based forest conservation programs
Franco Biondi
University of Nevada, Reno
Dendrochronology, stand and disturbance dynamics, geospatial analysis
(see HF web highlight)
Laura Johnson
Massachusetts Audubon Society
Private land conservation and the land trust movement
(see HF web highlight)
Michael Knoblauch
Washington State University
Assimilate translocation in trees
(see HF web highlight)
Barbara Lerner
Mount Holyoke College
Scientific data provenance
(see HF web highlight)
Pamela Templer
Boston University
Climate change, atmospheric pollution, biogeochemical cycles of forest ecosystems
(see HF web highlight)
Mark Friedl
Boston University
Remote sensing of ecosystems; Forest phenology and climate
Martha Hoopes
Mount Holyoke College
Spatial invasion ecology
(see HF web highlight)
John Roe
Independent consultant
Sustainable Forestry
Paul Siqueira
University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Remote sensing of vegetation structure
Michael Steele
Wilkes University
Oak-animal interations, oak dispersal
Duncan Stone
Scottish Natural Heritage
Forest policy and climate change
Varun Swamy
Duke University
Tropical forest ecology and conservation
Dawn Bazely
Biology Department, York University
Deer Herbivory, Forest Conservation, Invasive Species, Habitat Restoration
Andrew Bennett
Deakin University
The effects of human land use and landscape change on the conservation of native fauna
Erik Hobbie
University of New Hampshire
Ectomycorrhizal fungi, organic nitrogen use, mammalian fungivory
Alan Knapp
Colorado State University
Climate Change and Ecosystems
Stephen Long
Northern Woodlands Magazine
1938 Hurricane impact on forests
George Perry
University of Auckland
Spatial dynamics of forest ecosystems
2010 - 2011
Jeffrey Blanchard
University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Microbial Genomics and Ecology
John Herbohn
The University of Queensland
Small-scale forestry and carbon sequestration
Stephen Johnson
Gallatin Valley Land Trust
Private Land Conservation
Deborah Kaspari
Free-Lance Artist
Interpretive Artwork: Historical Sites and Forest Succession
Kathy Lambert
Harvard Forest
Science & Policy Integration
John Lichter
Bowdoin College
Historical Ecology; ecological recovery
Simon Smart
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
Large-scale ecological change in woodlands and linear features
John Williams
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Paleoecology, Paleoclimatology, Biogeography
2009 - 2010
Shinichiro Aiba
Kagoshima University, Japan
Plant Ecology
Kamaljit S. Bawa University of Massachusetts - Boston
Conservation Biology
Shabtai Cohen
Institute of Soil, Water and Environmental Sciences, Isreal
Experimental Biology
Quentin Cronk
The University of British Columbia, Canada
Evolutionary Genomics of Xylogenesis
Christopher Neill
The Ecosystems Center, Marine Biological Laboratory Field of Research: Amazon Ecology
Nsalambi V. Nkongolo
Center of Excellence GIS Lab, Lincoln University Forest Soils
2008 - 2009
Stephen Blackmer
Forest Conservation and Policy
Xiaojun Du
Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Forest Ecology
Serita Frey
University of New Hampshire
Soil microbial ecology
Carlos Garcia
Instituto de Ciencias Ambientales y Ecológicas (ICAE), Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Los Ande
Plant Physiological Ecology
Matts Lindbladh
Swedish University of Agriculture Sciences
Forest History and Conservation
Nophea Sasaki
University of Hyogo, Japan
Tropical Forestry and Climate Policy
Bill Sobczak
College of the Holy Cross
Stream Biogeochemistry and Ecology
Debabrata Swain
Indian Forest Service
Understanding past and present human impacts on tropical deciduous forests
Jonathan Thompson
Oregon State University
Forest Simulation Modeling
2007 - 2008
Elisabeth Almgren
University of Uppsala
Interpretive planning, paleoecology
Charles Cogbill
Historical Ecology
Todd Crowl
Utah State University
Quantitative Ecology
Rebecca Holberton
University of Maine
Michael Kaspari
University of Oklahoma
Community Ecology and Biogeography
Mark Rickenbach
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Social networks and private forest policy
Nicholas Rodenhouse
Wellesley College
Population ecology
2006 - 2007
Dr. Hormoz BassiriRad
Department of Biological Sciences
University of Illinois at Chicago
Root and Plant Physiology
Dr. James Bever
Department of Biology
Indiana University at Bloomington
Mycorrhizal Fungi
Dr. Adrien Finzi
Department of Biology
Boston University
Community and Ecosystem Ecology
Dr. Sherilyn Fritz
Department of Geosciences
University of Nebraska
Paleoecology and Diatoms
Jerry Jenkins
Wildlife Conservation Society
Botany and Geography
Dr. John McDonald
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Wildlife Biology - Moose/Deer
Dr. Scott Pearson
Department of Natural Sciences
Mars Hill College
Forest and Avian Ecology
2005 - 2006
John M. Briggs
Evolution and Environmental Science
Arizona State University
Grassland Ecology, Tree Invasion, Data Management
Mark E. Harmon
Department of Forest Science
Oregon State University
Old-Growth Forests, Carbon Dynamics
Thomas R. Sinclair
Agronomy Physiology Laboratory
University of Florida
Conghe Song
Department of Geography
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Carbon Dynamics, Ecosystem Modeling
John F. Weishampel
Department of Biology
University of Central Florida
Remote Sensing of Forest Structure
2004 - 2005
Richard Bowden
Allegheny College
Ecosystem Ecology, Land-use Legacies at Harvard Forest
Brian Donahue
Brandeis University
New England Forest History, Walden Woods and Concord
Elizabeth Farnsworth
New England Wild Flower Society
Conservation Biology, Rare Species Biology and History
Greg Jordan
Plant Science
University of Tasmania, Australia
Gidon Ne'eman
University of Haifa-Oramin, Israel
Pollination Biology, Pitcher Plants
Bernhard Stadler
Bayreuth Institute of Terrestrial Ecosystem, Research University of Bayreuth, Germany
HWA, Throughfall Chemistry and Biology
Dr. Peter Thomas
Keele University, England
Forest Dynamics and Science Education
Jill Thompson
University of Puerto Rico
Tropical Forest Dynamics
2003 - 2004
Dr. Ian Baillie
Tropical Soils
Dr. Paul K. Barten
University of Massachusetts
Hydrology and watershed management
Dr. Julia Jones
Oregon State University
Hydrology and Natural Resources
Dr. John Klironomos
University of Guelph
Soil Fungi
Dr. Antonio Lara
Universidad Austral de Chile
Forest dynamics; dendroecology
Dr. Matts Lindbladh
Swedish University of Agr. Sci.
Forest conservation and history
Dr. Thomas Sinclair
University of Florida
Water transport in plants
2002 - 2003
Dr. Philip J. Burton
Forest Ecology and Management
Dr. Peter Franks
James Cook University
Tree Physiology
Dr. Alice Ingerson
Waban, MA
Environmental History
Dr. Matthew Kelty
University of Massachusetts
Forest Ecology; Silviculture
Dr. David Lindenmayer
Australian National University
Forest Ecology
Dr. Francis Putz
University of Florida
Tropical Biology and Ecology
Dr. Bernhard Stadler
University of Bayreuth
Plant Pests and Ecosystem Process
2001 - 2002
Dr. Alison Berry
University of California
Mycorrhizae; Urban Ecology
Dr. Elizabeth Colburn
Invertebrate Ecology; Conservation Biology
Dr. Aaron Ellison
Mt. Holyoke College
Community Ecology
Dr. Colin Orians
Tufts University
Tree Physiology
Dr. Akile Pite
Tirana, Albania
Forest Conservation
Dr. Kimberly G. Smith
University of Arkansas
Bird Ecology
Dr. Navjot Sodhi
National University of Singapore
Tropical Ecology
2000 - 2001
Dr. Kathleen Donohue
University of Kentucky
Population Biology and Genetics
Dr. Mary Ann Fajvan
West Virginia University
Dr. Manuel Lerdeau
State University of New York
Eddy Flux/Gas Exchange
Dr. Lucinda McWeeney
Yale University
Archaeology; S. CT Indians; Paleoecology
Dr. Fraser Mitchell
University of Dublin
Palecology; Small Hollows
Dr. Karn D. Singh
Harvard University
Tropical Forests
Dr. Fred Swanson
USDA Forest Service
Landscape Dynamics; Geomorphology; Landslides/Fire Pacific Northwest
1999 - 2000
Nicholas Brokaw
Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences
Tropical Ecology
Jiquan Chen
Michigan Tech
Forest Dynamics and Ecology
Peter Del Tredici
Arnold Arboretum
Plant Morphology and Ecology
Paul A. Harcombe
Rice University
Community Ecology
Malcolm Hughes
University of Arizona
Richard Primack
Boston University
Tropical Ecology and Conservation
Claire Willams
Texas A & M University
Pine Genetics and Biology
1998 - 1999
Alexander Golub
Moscow, Russia
Environmental Economics/Natural Resource Management
Roger Kitching
Griffith University
Tropical Rainforest Ecology and Management
Takashi Kohyama
Hokkaido University
Plant Ecology
Stephen E. Scheckler
Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Plant Paleobiology/Comparative Morphology
1997 - 1998
Dr. Marc Abrams
Pennsylvania State University
Forest Ecology
Dr. John S. Boyer
University of Delaware
Plant Water Relation
Dr. Neal Enright
University of Melbourne
Forest Ecology and Dynamics
Dr. David W. Lee
Florida International University
Tree Physiology; Tropical Ecology
Dr. William Romme
Fort Lewis College
Forest Dynamics
Professor E.-D. Schulze
Universitat Bayreuth
Physiological Ecology
Dr. Susan Trumbore
University of California
Dr. Ian Turner
National University of Singapore
Tropical Forest Ecology
Dr. Dennis Whigham
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
Plant Ecology
1996 - 1997
Dr. John Aber
University of New Hamphshire
Forest Ecosystem Dynamics
Dr. Eldon Franz
Washington State University
Forest Ecosystems
Dr. Keith Kirby
Nature Conservancy Council
Woodland Ecology
Mr. Harri Lorenzi
Brazilian Flora
Dr. Earl Saxon
Wet Tropics Management Authority
Rainforest Management
Dr. Margaret Silk
University of California
Plant Growth and Development
Dr. Kerry Woods
Bennington College
Community and Population Ecology
1995 - 1996
Dr. Grace Brush
Johns Hopkins University
Dr. Balachander
Rutgers University
Ganesan Ecology
Dr. Douglas Godbold
Universitat Gottingen
Tree Physiology
Dr. Dennis Knight
University of Wyoming
Forest Ecology
Dr. Robert Waide
University of Puerto Rico
Land-use Effects on Ecosystem Processes
Dr. Thompson Webb III
Brown University
Dr. Alan White
University of Maine
Forest Ecology
1994 - 1995
Dr. David Bowman
Conservation Commission of the N.T.
Plant Ecology
Dr. John Connolly
University College Dublin
Plant Ecology
Dr. E. David Ford
University of Washington
Forest Modeling
Dr. David P. Janos
University of Miami
Mycorhizal Ecology
Dr. David Kittredge, Jr.
University of Massachusetts
Forest Policy
Dr. Sharachchandra Lele
Pacific Institute in Development, Environment & Security
Sustainable Forestry
Dr. Jacob Weiner
Swarthmore College
Plant Population Ecology
1993 - 1994
Dr. Evan H. DeLucia
University of Illinois
Dr. Gong Wooi Khoon
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Dr. Julian Hadley
Harvard Forest
Dr. Juan F. Silva
Universidad de los Andes
Tropical Ecology
Dr. Timothy W. Sipe
Franklin & Marshall College
Plant Ecology
Dr. Thomas A. Spies
USDA Forest Service
Forest Ecology
Dr. Carlos Vaquez-Yanes
Ciudad Universitaria
Tropical Ecophysiology
1992 - 1993
Dr. Lloyd Demetrius
Harvard University
Theoretical and Population Biology
Dr. Enos E. Esikuri
Moi University
Environmental Policy
Dr. Glenn R. Matlack
University of Southern Mississippi
Ecology/Conservation Biology
Dr. Victor K. Teplyakov
Federal Forestry Service of Russia
Forest Management
1991 - 1992
Dr. Jan Cermak
Tree Physiology
Dr. Ned Fetcher
University of Scranton
Tropical Ecology
Dr. Steven P. Hamburg
University of Kansas
Forest Ecology
Dr. Miguel Martinez-Ramos
Ciudad Universitaria
Tropical Forest Ecology
1990 - 1991
Ms. Mollie H. Beattie
Department of Forest & Parks
Natural Resources Management
Dr. John E. Bertram
Cornell University
Dr. Michael D. Korzukhin
Moscow, USSR
Ecological Modeling
1989 - 1990
Dr. George Peterken
United Kingdom
Woodland Conservation
1988 - 1989
Dr. Akachuku E. Akachuku
University of Ibadan
Wood Structure
Dr. Denise C. Gaudreau
1987 - 1988
Dr. Christopher S. Cronan
University of Maine
Biogeochemical Processes
Dr. Gray S. Henderson
University of Missouri
Soil Chemistry
1986 - 1987
Dr. Ruhama Berliner
Dr. David H. Jackson
University of Montana
Natural Resource Policy
Mr. Donald Theoe
Biography of Richard Thornton Fisher
1985 - 1986
Dr. Jerry F. Franklin
University of Washington
Forest Ecology
Dr. John Ogden
University of Auckland
Forest Ecology
Dr. Gordon G. Whitney
Forest Ecology
1984 - 1985
Dr. Paul O. Bofinger
Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests
Forest Policy
Dr. Arturo Gomez-Pompa
University of California
Tropical Forest Ecology
Dr. William A. Patterson III
University of Massachusetts
Fire Ecology
Dr. Jacek Zakrzewski
University of Agriculture, Poland
Tree Morphology
1983 - 1984
Dr. Gerald M. Allen
Humboldt State University
Forest Management
Dr. Robert Brush
University of Wisconsin
Forest Management
Dr. I. A. U. N. Gunnatilleke
University of Peradeniya
Pollination Biology
Dr. Jorg J. Sauter
Universitat Zu Kiel
Tree Physiology
1982 - 1983
Dr. Roni Aloni
Tel Aviv University
Plant Morphology
Dr. Rolf Borchert
University of Kansas
Tree Physiology
Dr. Celestine Gunnatilleke
University of Peradeniya
Tropical Ecology
Dr. Elifadhili M. Mnzava
Tropical Forestry
1981 - 1982
Dr. Peter R. Hannah
University of Vermont
Forest Management
1980 - 1981
Dr. Abraham Fahn
The Hebrew University
Anatomy and Morphology of Woody Plants
Dr. D. N. Roy
University of Toronto
Host-parasite relationships in fungal diseases
Dr. Brayton Wilson
University of Massachusetts
Tree Growth
Dr. Yong-chi Yang
Taiwan University
Forest Resource Management
Dr. Stefan Zajaczkowski
Warsaw Agricultural University
Plant Physiology
1979 - 1980
Dr. Amar Singh Hans
National Council of Scientific Research
Biodiversity in Managed Forests
Dr. K. Alan Longman
Institute of Terrestrial Ecology
Plant Physiology
Dr. Robert Metcalf
Management of New England Woodlots
Christa Schwintzer
University of Maine
Plant and Wetland Ecology
Michael B. Wallace
Forest Resources in Developing Countries
1978 - 1979
Dr. Stanley Gemborys
Dr. Hisao Honda
Kanebo Institute for Cancer Research
Tree Modeling
1977 - 1978
Dr. Ayode Jeje
University of Calgary
Chemical Engineering
Dr. Eliezer Zamski
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Plant Biology
1976 - 1977
Dr. Philip Craul
New York
Land Use and Soils
Dr. Thompson D. Pizzolato
University of Delaware
Plant Biology
Dr. Boris Zeide
University of Arkansas
Forest Ecology
1975 - 1976
Dr. William Bentley
Forest Economics
1974 - 1975
Mr. Robert Baltaxe
Environmental Management
Dr. Henry Horn
Princeton University
Population Biology
Dr. James O. Klemmedson
University of Arizona
Forest/Range Ecology and Soils
Dr. Roelof A. A. Oldemann
The Netherlands
Tropical Trees
1973 - 1974
Mr. John E. M. Arnold
FAO, United Nations
Forestry Development in Developing Countries
Dr. John A. Milburn
University of New South Wales
Vascular Transport in Plants
Dr. Ian A. Staff
La Trobe University
Plant Anatomy/Morphology/Ultrastructure
Dr. Alan Strahler
University of Virginia
1972 - 1973
Dr. Kamaljit Bawa
University of Massachusetts
Tropical Forestry
Dr. Jon A. Kusler
Land-use Regulations
Dr. James H. Patric
Forest Hydrology
Dr. W. L. Prichett
Forest Soils
Dr. A. L. Van Slyke
University of New Brunswick
Forest Management
1971 - 72
Dr. Carl H. Reidel
University of Vermont
Forest Policy
Dr. Brian Walker
Vegetation Sampling/Data Analysis
1970 - 1971
Dr. Perry Hagenstein
Land Management
Mr. Norman L. Kissick
Land-use Planning
1969 - 1970
Professor Charles H. W. Foster
Forest Policy
Dr. Earl L. Stone
University of Florida
Forest Soils
1968 - 1969
Dr. Robert E. Buckman
Timber Management
Dr. William B. Critchfield
Pacific SW Forest & Range Experimental Station
Dr. Brian Hopkins
Tropical Ecology
Dr. Donald S. Skene
Plant Physiology
Dr. Eugene Steinbrenner
Weyerhauser Company
Soil Science
1967 - 1968
Dr. John C. Goodlett
Plant Geography
Dr. Vera D. Gregoric
Soil Science
Dr. Bertram Husch
FAO, United Nations
Mr. John Naysmith
Forest Economics
Dr. Soren Odum
Dr. Thomas O. Perry
North Carolina
Forest Productivity
Mr. Bruce Yerke
Pacific SW Forest & Range Experimental Station
1966 - 1967
Dr. Sherret S. Chase
New York
Dr. A. Malcolm Gill
Plant Ecology
Dr. Milford D. McKimmy
Mr. Clark Sell
Dr. James R. Wallis
Yale University
Hydrology and multidisciplinary work involving the Relationship of Government to the Sciences
Dr. Arthur H. Westing
Stockholm Intern. Peace Res. Inst.
Forest Conservation
Dr. Thomasz J. Wodzicki
Dr. Robert Zimmermann
Soil and Water Conservation
1965 - 1966
Dr. F. David Morgan
South Australia
Forest Entomology
Dr. Robert Zahner
North Carolina
Tree Physiology
1964 - 1965
Dr. Ronald A. Bartoo
Forest Economics
Dr. Paul Richards
Tropical Ecology
Mr. Gerald C. Williams
Land Management
Dr. Chester T. Youngberg
Forest Soils
1963 - 1964
Mr. J. E. M. Arnold
Dr. John H. Chinner
Mr. Leiff Holt
Dr. Horst Schulz
Wood Anatomy
Dr. Arthur H. Westing
Stockholm Intern. Peace Res. Inst.
Physiology and Anatomy of Wood
1962 - 1963
Mr. Roland L. Barger
Dr. Carl J. Goebel
Washington State University
Dr. Robert A. Gregory
USDA Forest Service
Dr. John A. Guthrie
Washington State University
Forest Economics
Dr. David C. Knapp
University of Maryland
Dr. William G. O'Regan
Forest Management Simulation
Dr. David G. Roux
South Africa