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Scenarios, Services and Society RCN Workshops
Workshops and meetings are an important component of the S3 RCN project. We have funding for a series of Science and Stakeholder Workshops, Open Technical Workshops to promote methods development and model coupling, Synthesis and Writing Meetings with collaborators, and a Webinar Learning Series to foster knowledge exchange. Information about past and upcoming workshops and learning opportunities is available below.
Past Workshops
Workshop #2 Scenarios to Simulation February 26-27th, 2015: Having agreed on the value of examining stakeholder-defined land-use scenarios for identifying sustainable futures in New England, the S3 RCN is defined a suite of best practices for incorporating qualitative narrative scenarios into quantitative simulations of land change.
Workshop # 1 Scenarios to Solutions, October 28-29th: This two-day workshop brought together the S3 RCN steering committee, collaborators, and invited speakers to create a shared plan for the S3 RCN that focused on achieving both research insights and real-world impact.