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Leaf Color Bibliography

The following articles give good background and cover the recent ideas about the nature and function of autumn coloration. Links are to PDF available articles
Archetti, M. 2000. The origin of autumn colours by coevolution. Journal of Theoretical Biology 205:625-630.
Archetti, M. and S.P. Brown. 2004. The coevolution theory of autumn colours. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B
Chalker-Scott, L. 1999. Environmental significance of anthocyanins in plant stress responses. Photochemistry and Photobiology 70:1-9.
Close, D.C. and C.L. Beadle. 2003. The ecophysiology of foliar anthocyanin. Botanical Review 69:149-161.
Feild, T.S., D.W. Lee and N.M. Holbrook. 2001. Why leaves turn red in autumn. The role of anthocyanins in senescing leaves of red-osier dogwood. Plant Physiology 127:566-574.
Gould, K.S., D.N. Kuhn , D.W. Lee and S.F. Oberbauer. 1995. Why leaves are sometimes red. Nature 378:242-243.
Gould, K.S., K. Markham, R. Smith and J.J. Goris. 2000. Functional role of anthocyanins in the leaves of Quintinia serrata A. Cunn. Journal of Experimental Botany 51:1107-1115.
Gould, K.S., J. McKelvie and K.R. Markham. 2002. Do anthocyanins function as antioxidants in leaves? Imaging of H2O2 in red and green leaves after mechanical injury. Plant, Cell and Environment 25:1261-1269.
Gould, K.S. and D.W.Lee, eds. 2002. Anthocyanins in leaves. Advances in Botanical Research 37. Academic Press, London.
Hagen, S.B., I. Folstad and S.W. Jakobsen. 2003. Autumn colouration and herbivore resistance in mountain birch (Betula pubescens). Ecology Letters 6:807-811.
Hamilton, W.D. and S.P.Brown. 2001. Autumn tree colours as a handicap signal. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. B Biological Sciences 268:1489-1493.
Hoch, W.A., E.L. Zeldin and B.H. McCown. 2001. Physiological significance of anthocyanins during autumnal leaf senescence. Tree Physiology 21:1-8.
Hoch, W.A., E.L. Singsaas and B.H. McGown. 2003. Resorption protection. anthocyanins facilitate nutrient recovery in autumn by shielding leaves from potentially damaging light levels. Plant Physiology 133:1416-1425.
Huner, N.P.A., G. Öquist and F. Sarhan. 1998. Energy balance and acclimation to light and cold. Trends in Plant Science 3:224-230.
Juniper, B. 1993. Flamboyant flushes: a reinterpretation of non-green flush colours in leaves. International Dendrological Society Yearbook, pp. 49-57.
Lee, D.W. and K.S. Gould. 2002. Why leaves turn red. American Scientist 990:524-530.
Lee, D.W., S. Brammeier and A.P. Smith. 1987. The selective advantage of anthocyanins in developing leaves of mango and cacao. Biotropica 19:40-49.
Lee, D.W. and T.M. Collins. 2001. Phylogenetic and ontogenetic influences on the distribution of anthocyanins and betacyanins in leaves of tropical plants. International Journal of Plant Sciences 162:1141-1153.
Lee, D.W., J. O'Keefe, N.M. Holbrook and T.S. Feild. 2003. Pigment dynamics and autumn leaf senescence in a New England deciduous forest, eastern USA. Ecological Research 18:677-694.
Lev-Yadun. S. 2003. Weapon (thorn) automimicry and mimicry of aposematic colorful thorns in plants. Journal of Theoretical Biology 224:183-188.
Lev-Yadun, S., A. Dafni, M.A. Flaishman, M. Inbar, I. Izhaki, G. Katzir and G Ne'eman. 2004. Plant coloration undermines herbivorous insect camouflage. BioEssays 26:1126-1130.
Neill, S.O. and K.S. Gould. 2003. Anthocyanins in leaves: light attenuators or antioxidants? Functional Plant Biology 30:865-873.
Parkin, J. 1918. On the localization of anthocyanin (red-cell sap) in foliage leaves. British Association for the Advancement of Science, Report 1903, J. Murray, London.
Sanger, J. 1971. Quantitative investigations of leaf pigments from their inception in buds through autumn coloration to decomposition in falling leaves. Ecology 52:1075-1089.
Schaberg, P.G., A.K. Van den Berg, P.F. Murakami, J.B. Shane and J.R. Donnelly. 2003. Factors influencing red expression in autumn foliage of sugar maple trees. Tree Physiology 23:325-333.
Schaefer H.M. and D.M. Wilkinson. 2004. Red leaves, insects and coevolution: a red herring? Trends in ecology and Evolution, in press.
Wheldale, M. 1916. The anthocyanin pigments of plants. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Yamasaki, H. 1997. A function of colour. Trends in Plant Science 2:7-8.