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Schoolyard Ecology Program Coordinator Search 2022

Thank you for your interest in our 2022 Schoolyard Ecology Coordinator search!
The Position
- Full job description and link to application process (link removed, as the position has been filled)
- Harvard University benefits information
The Harvard Forest welcomes full participation by individuals with disabilities. If you anticipate needing any type of accommodation or have questions about the physical access provided, please contact the search committee (see FAQ), or contact our administrative team at See this webpage with more complete accessibility information and building floormaps.
Harvard Forest Education and Long-Term Ecological Research Program
- Schoolyard Ecology Program and Other K-12 Outreach
- Schoolyard Ecology program blog
- Video: Schoolyard Ecology
- Short Documentary: 30 years of Long-Term Ecological Research in Harvard's Wired Forest
The Harvard Forest Community
FAQ (drafted by the search committee)
- How do I apply?
- When are applications due?
- Who is on the search committee / contributing to the search process?
- Chair: Clarisse Hart, HF Director of Outreach & Education (
- HF Senior Ecologists (and leaders in the Schoolyard Program since its inception): Dave Orwig, Emery Boose, Betsy Colburn, John O'Keefe
- Longtime Schoolyard Ecology teachers Kate Bennett, Jeff Sautter, and Elisa Margarita
- Diversity & inclusion advisor Neenah Estrella-Luna
- Are non-U.S. citizens eligible to apply?
- Regretfully, Harvard is unable to provide work authorization and/or visa sponsorship for foreign nationals for this position.
- Do I need to include reference letters in my application?
- No; you only need to provide the contact information for your references when applying.
- Has COVID-19 policy added any logistics or considerations to this position?
- Harvard requires COVID vaccination and booster for all Harvard community members. Individuals may claim exemption from the vaccine requirement for medical or religious reasons (learn more here).
- Is in-person work required for this position?
- Harvard has a flexible work policy, and staff safety during COVID (and always) is paramount. Although some remote work is possible, HF employees are expected to work from the office in Petersham on Wednesdays at minimum. Before COVID, nearly all Schoolyard Ecology events (teacher workshops, class field trips) took place in person at the Forest; ideally we'll be able to eventually return to this model.
- The term of the position says 6 months with renewal dependent on performance and funding. Can you say more about that?
- The ideal candidate would be interested in a long-term position. But candidates should be aware that the salary for this position is funded entirely through grants and donations: primarily through a Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) grant from the National Science Foundation, which is on a 6-year proposal cycle (next due in 2025), and two private family foundation grants which are re-proposed annually. For its 17-year duration, the Schoolyard Ecology program has been successfully funded through grants, and we hope for continued support in the future. However, contributing regularly to grant proposals and funder communucation are a key part of this position, always in an effort to secure the longevity of the position and the program.
- What is the start date, and is it flexible?
- Given that our gifted Coordinator of 17 years retired this fall, we are of course eager to get started with a new Coordinator. But we also recognize that candidates may have current teaching commitments that run through the school year. So, the short answer is that the start date is flexible.
- The salary range (grade 55) is based on a 35-hour work week. So what is the salary range for part-time?
- This part-time position is roughly a 2/3 FTE. Hopefully this will help you calculate a range!
- It is necessary to have university credits in education?
- The job simply requires that you have a bachelor's degree and 2 years of formal classroom teaching experience, so all successful candidates will have at some point achieved teaching certification, but that may not have required specific education coursework.
- What if you do not have grant writing experience, but are very willing to learn?
- Experience would be helpful but is not required. It is a skill set that can be learned on the job.
- Are there other open positions at Harvard Forest?
- See our employment page.