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Met & Hydro Stations

Fisher Meteorological Station
Operational since 2001 and located in an open field near the Harvard Forest headquarters, this station records air temperature, relative humidity, precipitation, incoming and net radiation, barometric pressure, wind speed and direction, and soil temperature. Data for the current month are posted below. See archived data for earlier data and detailed documentation, or see data from the Shaler Meterological Station, 1964-2002. See real time graphs for graphs of selected variables.
Current Conditions Metric English
15-Minute Tables Metric English
15-Minute Complete Metric English
All times are Eastern Standard Time
Values updated every 15 minutes
Out-of-range values replaced by NA
Prospect Hill Hydrological Stations
Operational since 2007 and located in small forested watersheds on the Prospect Hill Tract, these stations record stream discharge and water temperature at four steam sites and water level and water temperature at two wetland sites. Data for the current month are posted below. See archived data for ealier data and detailed documentation. See real time graphs for graphs of selected variables.
Current Conditions Metric
15-Minute Tables Metric
Daily Tables Metric
15-Minute Complete Metric
Daily Complete Metric
All times are Eastern Standard Time
Values updated every 15 minutes
Out-of-range values replaced by NA
Harvard Forest Snow Pillow
Operational since 2009 and located in a mature mixed hardwood stand with scattered conifers on the Prospect Hill Tract, the snow pillow measures the water content (snow water equivalent) of the snowpack during the winter months. Data for the current month are posted below. See archived data for ealier data and detailed documentation. See real time graphs for graphs of selected variables.
Current Conditions Metric
15-Minute Tables Metric
Daily Tables Metric
15-Minute Complete Metric
Daily Complete Metric
All times are Eastern Standard Time
Values updated every 15 minutes
Out-of-range values replaced by NA