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Summer Research Experience: Student Blog

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August 15, 2014, by Bruce McAlister


I am not a scientist; I am an engineer. . . . Which makes my employment at an ecological research station a little odd. However, it is perfectly natural to have engineers here, it turns out - as long as you don't have too many. Scientists need specialized tools for research. Engineers are just the right people to create these
August 10, 2014, by Ivonne Trujillo

Impacts of Climate Change on the Rhythm of the spring in Northeast Deciduous Forests

This summer I had the opportunity to be an REU student for the Richardson Lab. It seems as if it’s the first week, and not the last week of the program. I’ve learned so much in this short period of time, and I will bring what I learned back to my university in Texas. This summer, I focused on the
August 4, 2014, by Sidni Frederick

Drones in the Service of Our Forests

If you've spent any time alive on this planet, you've probably noticed that things here work in cycles – the sun passes overhead daily, we complete one revolution around the sun every year, and the slight tilt of our planet's axis subsequently yields seasonal changes in time with these astronomical movements. The lives of plants here on earth are guided