More than ten thousand dams were built on New England rivers over the past four centuries. In the past twenty years, intentional removal of these structures has become common throughout the region, motivated by public safety, maintenance costs, and the desire to restore passage for migratory fish.
Scientist Noah Snyder, Harvard Forest Bullard Fellow and Associate Professor at Boston College, will join us in the Fisher Museum on Wednesday, March 27 at 7:00 p.m., to review the history of dam construction and removal in our region, and describe results from a ten-year study following the removal of the Merrimack Village Dam on the Souhegan River in New Hampshire, one of the best-studied dam sites in the country. Snyder's presentation will also touch on a few local examples and close with lessons learned about sediment management following dam removal that apply to stream restoration projects throughout our region.
The event is free and open to the public.