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February 2004

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February 1, 2004

Saving Representative Stands of Hemlock: A Proposal

While researchers actively seek biological controls for hemlock woolly adelgids, these introduced sucking insects from Asia are wiping out entire hemlock forests up and down the east coast of North America. The attached article, originally published in Sanctuary, provides a brief description of the threat and proposes that representative stands be saved to serve as reference

February 1, 2004

The Wilson Project Update

Harvard Forest's primary goal is to maintain the viability of its forest classroom and laboratory by minimizing the development of Wilson Lotlands immediately abutting its property. We sincerely thank all those who have very generously contributed toward the protection of the Wilson lot, which abuts our intensively studied, long-term research sites on the

February 1, 2004

HWA Collaboration Website Coordinated at Harvard Forest

One of the major research topics at the Harvard Forest concerns the hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA), an introduced, aphid-like Adlegid lateral viewinsect from Asia. Currently HWA is threatening eastern hemlock with elimination across its range. While infestation and unimpeded migration of HWA presents a tremendous management problem, it also has provided an unusual