Service notes 1. Some thermistor cables were cut during the logging operation. As this occurred when the ground was snow-covered, thermistor wires could not be repaired until snowmelt and the end of the logging operation (mid-April 2005). 2. The datalogger servicing Plots 4, 5, and 6 had a bad memory register, and would not record data for approximately 36 hours each month. The internal panel temperature register failed on or about August 1, 2005, but the failure was not detected until August 24, 2005. A replacement datalogger was swapped in on August 31, 2005, and the original datalogger was repaired by Campbell in September 2005. The original datalogger was re-deployed October 12, 2005. 3. No data recorded 2004 day 352 to 2005 day 8 (memory overflow). 4. Data out of range for Plots 1-3 from 2004 day 301 to 2004 day 314 due to discharged battery. Battery replaced and solar panel and charger added to system on Nov. 10, 2005. 5. The battery powering the datalogger servicing Plots 4, 5, and 6 died on April 21, 2007 (Julian Day 111). No data were recorded between 2007 Day 111, 1900 hours and 2007 Day 124, 0800 hours. The battery was replaced and solar panel and charger added to the system on May 4, 2007. 6. The datalogger servicing Plots 4, 5, and 6 once again had a bad memory register, and would not record data for approximately 36 hours each month, beginning June 3, 2007 (Julian Day 154). No replacement data logger was available until October 28, 2007, so some missing data each month from 2007 Julian Day 154 to 2007 Julian Day 302. Replacement data logger swapped in on October 29, 2007, and sent to Campbell for repair and recalibration. 7. The cooler containing the datalogger and battery in Plot 2 was overturned, possibly by a bear, sometime between 2300 hrs and midnight on September 25, 2007 (Julian Day 268). The air temperature thermistor was also chewed off at the monitoring station. Repaired October 1, 2007 (Julian Day 274) at 1300 hours. Datalogger recording, but no usable data for air temperature in Plot 2 between 2007 Day 268, 2300 hours and 2007 Day 274 1400 hours. 8. Soil temperature sensors added on 15 July 2008. Each plot now has two soil temp sensors, one in organic soil layer and one in mineral soil layer. Added columns necessitated move to new file format. Initial file (temps.txt) ends on 2008 Julian Day 197, 1000 hours. New file begins on 2008 Julian Day 197, 1000 hours (temps2.txt) . 9. Dataloggers added to Plots 7 and 8 (hardwood plots) on 16 July 2008 (Julian Day 198). Data incorporated into new data file (temps2.txt). 10. Datalogger in Plot 7 failed Sept. 24 2008 (Julian Day 268) 0900 hours. Repaired/replaced Oct. 14 2008 (Julian Day 288) 0900 hours. 11. Solar panel added to Plot 8 on Julian Day 305 (November 1 2008) and to Plot 7 on Julian Day 322 (November 15 2008). One hour of data (1200 hours) missing each day. 12. As of 800 (700 EST) on DOY 128 (May 28, 2010) Simes 2 Air Temp is working. The Temp sensor end was corroded and missing all of the solder. I cut, striped and re-soldered the sensor end. When I left it was working. 13. 2011 JD 264 @ 1400 Simes 8 replaced solar panel and battery. 2011 Simes 8 JD 264 @ 1400 replaced solar panel and battery. 11/18/2011 SIMES 456: Data is Bad Starting JD 320 @ 1700 to JD 322 @ 1000. Not sure of the problem but system was running after new program was up loaded. 11/18/2011 Simes 456: New temp sensors and program installed for Moose exclosures. Simes 7: New temp sensors and program installed for Moose exclosures. 11/21/2011 SIMES 8: New temp sensors and program installed for Moose exclosures. 11/29/2011 Simes 123: New Temp sensors hooked up but unable to load new program due to damaged power cord for logger. 12/2/2011 Simes123: New power cord, Program installed and logger collecting data. No data 11/29 – 12/02 12/08/2011 Simes 456: Temps are bad starting JD 324. 12/12/2011 Simes 1 – 7: Wildlife cameras installed Simes 456: There may be a problem with the datalogger. I did a hard restart on the logger and it seemed to be running better. 12/16/2011 Simes 8: wildlife camera installed 12/20/2011 Simes 456: installed new logger, all previous data bad. 2012 1/18/2012 – SIMES 5: all data good jd 354 – 357. After jd 357 only temp sensors in Column O are good. There was a loose wire on the Excitation block. Fixed and things seem to be working. - Simes 7: Control air temp is bad from jd 03 – 18. Temps were reading fine I was there to collect data. 2/2/2012 – found mineral soil plot 5 to be bad DOY 238 to at least 322. 2/10/2012 – repaired Plot 1 control Organic temp, plot 5 control air temp, and plot 5 exclosure organic temp. Plot 3 exclosure inorganic is bad still. Ground was frozen and sensor could not be replaced. All had chewed wires. 3/14/2012 – Simes Plot 3 Control air temp bad starting jd 53 4/11/2012 – Simes Plot 3 control Air and exclosure mineral replaced - Simes plot 1 Exclosure mineral bad. 4/27/12 – Simes plot 1 (control): replaced mineral soil temp in the exclosure 7/09/12 Plot 4 eclsosure – Air temp found on the ground on 07/07. Repaired on 07/09 7/10/12 Plot 1 mineral Exclosure bad starting JD 175. 7/13/12 plot 1 mineral exclosure temp. tightened loose wire otherwise sensor looked fine and was giving good data. 7/20/12 plot 5 exlcosure: Organic soil temp was pulled out of ground. Repositioned sensor. 10/24/2012 - Plot 8 replaced datalogger and moved logger out of the excloser. - Plot 123: moved logger and solar panel out of exclosure. - Plot 3: fixed control temp sensors but was unable to get Exclosure sensors running - Plot 7: missing data jd 233 – 238. To long between data collection. 11/8/2012 – plot 3 replaced exclosure temp sensors. They were chewed. 01/08/2013 - Plot 1: mineral soil exclosure temp sensor wiring was loose. Bad data starting JD 33 - Plot 2: Mineral soil exclosure temp sensor replaced. Bad starting JD 323 03/27/2013 plot 7; sensor under snow not able to check plot 5; exclosure soil temp mineral needs to be repleced; mouse damage plot 4;exclosure soil temp organic replaced 5/17/2013 Plot 2: ants nesting in data logger 09/11/2013 Plot 5 exclosure organic soil temp pulled out. Fixed Plot1 control air temp stake was knocked over. Fixed Plot 8 control air temp stake knocked over. Fixed. 10/13/2013 Plot 6 control Air temperature bad. 3/27/14 Plot 6 all temperatures appear to be bad Plot 1 Mineral soil1 1 ex 5/7/2014 Plot 6 – replaced mineral soil temp sensor in the control plot Data logger for 4,5,&6 had a lot of condensation which was/ is causing problems with readings. Need to put out new desiccant in all loggers. Data is good except when battery voltage is way out of line. Plot 1,2,3 – Still a problem with temp sensor in Plot 1 exclosure. Datalogger also seems to be having issues. 6/11/14 Plot 456 – Changed out data logger. Plot 4 – changed control plot organic soil temp sensor. 2015 1/06/2015 Plot 7 control Air temp reading 6999. Tightened sensor leads connection to data logger. Now working. 1/29/2015 Plot 5 exclosure air temperature – buried under snow. 3/13/2015 confirmed plot 5 exclosure air temp was knocked over by tree and is under snow. Cannot access exclosure until snow melts. - Simes 2 control air temp showing unusually high values. Mouse? - Simes 7 & 8 all soil temps are to variable? Control and exclosure both. 5/22/2015 – plot 2 all sensors went off line on JD 139. Rodent has chewed through sensor cable. 6/26/2015 – plot 2 sensors repaired 9/17/2015 – Plot 234 data logger stopped working JD 260 10/8/2015 – plots 234 datalogger replaced with CR1000 JD 281 12/29/2015 – plot 6 JD 364 some of the temperatures are bad but could not find problem. Data cable likely broken but currently buried under snow. 2016 2016/04/29 Plot 6 cable fixed. It was chewed. 2016/08/16 Plot 456 solar panel and battery not charging. Battery is below 11 and resulting in NA values. 2016/12/8 jd 278 - 313, plot 456 battery dead due to chewed wires. Replaced with ps100 battery and charging system 2017 2017/01/05 – on 01/01 there is a big drop in battery voltage. Periodic NAN in temps due to low voltage. 2017/01/ - replaced deep cycle marine battery with PS100 charger and battery. 2017/06/01 - mouse chewed through wire at plot 6 2017/06/02- Main data cable between logger and plot 6 chewed all sensors off line not discovered until 06/16 2017/06/16 – plot 6 repaired initial break and was able to reconnect half of sensor. 2017/06/22- plot 6 data cable repaired. 2020 2020/09/15 Plot 7 – mouse in the exclosure air temperature causing high temperatures. Battery is low. Need to change Plot 5 – SE9 is bad. need to rewrite program to skip the channel. 2022 2022/1/4 plot 7 – datalogger was knocked over and power had been disconnected. All data lost since last data collection. 2022/6/10 plot 7 – Solar panel wire to Battery was chewed so battery was not charging. Fixed and now charging Plot 7 – data gap JD 101 – 1100 to JD 109 – 1300. due to long time between data collection 2022/07/ Plot 2 all data bad since JD 182. wires pulled out of logger. 2022/09/09 Plot 1 Air temp control, mineral temp control, Organic exclosure temp, and mineral temp exclosure data missing since 6/ 30– wires have been pulled out of junction bow by curious animal, Bear? wires reconnected. Plot 2 – wire connecting solar panel to datalogger disconnected. Reconnected on 9/9. - Airtemp in the exclosure is NAN. there mouse nest in the temp shield need to replace temp sensor data bad since JD 182