########################################### ## Functions and sample script for rarefaction analyses ## EcoSimR ## 22 May 2012 ## Nicholas J. Gotelli and Aaron M. Ellison ## ## ######################################## ############################################# Hill.1 <- function (i) { S <- mat.or.vec(max(i),1) for (z in 1:length(i)) S[i[z]] <- S[i[z]] + 1 S <- na.omit(S) S <- S[S>0] print(S) p <- S/sum(S) out <- exp(-sum(p*log(p))) return(out) } ############################################# Hill.2 <- function (i) { S <- mat.or.vec(max(i),1) for (z in 1:length(i)) S[i[z]] <- S[i[z]] + 1 S <- na.omit(S) S <- S[S>0] p <- S/sum(S) out <- 1/sum(p^2) return(out) } ############################################ Hill.3 <- function (i) { S <- mat.or.vec(max(i),1) for (z in 1:length(i)) S[i[z]] <- S[i[z]] + 1 S <- na.omit(S) S <- S[S>0] p <- S/sum(S) out <- (sum(p^3))^(-1/2) return(out) } ############################################ Hill.4 <- function (i) { S <- mat.or.vec(max(i),1) for (z in 1:length(i)) S[i[z]] <- S[i[z]] + 1 S <- na.omit(S) S <- S[S>0] p <- S/sum(S) out <- (sum(p^4))^(-1/3) return(out) } ############################################ Hill.5 <- function (i) { S <- mat.or.vec(max(i),1) for (z in 1:length(i)) S[i[z]] <- S[i[z]] + 1 S <- na.omit(S) S <- S[S>0] p <- S/sum(S) out <- (sum(p^5))^(-1/4) return(out) } ############################################ ## Unreplicated individual.based rarefaction ## Takes a single sample of individuals from a vector, with specified sample sizes ## returns a vector of species diversity for each sample level ## ## Currently hard-coded to computer Hill number q = 3. For other values, change Hill.3 to chosen value ## in the Species.Count call. Single.Rarefy.Ind <- function (Sample.Levels,Individuals) { Sub.Sample <- sapply(Sample.Levels,sample,x=Individuals) #take a sample for each abundance of Sample.Level S.Count <- function (i) length(unique(i)) # function for getting species richness Species.Count <-as.vector(lapply(Sub.Sample,Hill.3),mode="numeric") #create a vector of species counts } ## ## ######################################### ## Rarefaction summary statistics function ## Calculates across a set of reps mean diversity, parametric and bootstrapped 95% confidence intervals ## ## Rarefaction.SumStats <- function(x) { error <- qnorm(0.975)*sd(x) left <- mean(x)-error right <- mean(x)+error c(mean(x),left,right,quantile(x,c(0.025,0.975))) } ## ## ######################################### ## Primary Individual-based rarefaction function ## Draws a sample of individuals, sampling without replacement ## Input is Spec, a vector of species abundances ## Input is Knot, a vector of sample abundance levels ## ## Rarefy.Ind <- function(Spec,Knots=length(Spec),Reps=10) { if (Knots > sum(Spec)) Knots <- sum(Spec) Sample.Levels <- round(seq(1,sum(Spec),length.out=Knots)) Individuals <- rep(1:length(Spec),Spec) Replicated.Species.Counts <- replicate(Reps,Single.Rarefy.Ind(Sample.Levels,Individuals)) Rarefaction.Summary <- t(apply(Replicated.Species.Counts,1,Rarefaction.SumStats)) Rarefaction.Summary <- cbind(Sample.Levels,Rarefaction.Summary) colnames(Rarefaction.Summary) <- c("Abundance","Mean.S", "Norm.CI.Low", "Norm.CI.High", "2.5%", "97.5%") print(Rarefaction.Summary) return(Rarefaction.Summary) } ## ## ## ######################################## ## Unreplicated sample.based rarefaction ## Takes a single sample of individuals from a vector, with specified sample sizes ## returns a vector of species diversity for each sample level ## ## Matrix.Maker <- function(matrix,sites) { x <- matrix[,sample(ncol(matrix),sites)] } ## ## ######################################### ## Sample-based richness function ## Input is matrix of abundances or incidences (matrix) ## Output is S and abundance ## ## Matrix.S <- function(matrix) { x <- rowSums(matrix) richness <- length(x[x>0]) abundance <- sum(x) Diversity <- cbind(richness,abundance) } ## ## ######################################### ## Sample-based rarefaction function ## Draws a sample of individuals, sampling without replacement ## Input is matrix, a matrix of species abundances or incidences ## Input is Sample.Levels, a vector of sample levels ## Output is a vector of richness and abundance ## ## Single.Rarefy.Sam <-function(matrix,Sample.Levels=1:ncol(matrix)) { z <- lapply(Sample.Levels,Matrix.Maker,matrix=matrix) z[[1]] <- matrix(z[[1]],ncol=1) #convert the first list vector to a matrix! zz <- lapply(z,Matrix.S) } ## ## ######################################### ## Primary sample based rarefaction function ## Input is an incidence or abundance matrices with multiple samples (matrix) ## Input is number of levels for random draws (Knots) ## Input is number of repeated samplings at each knot level (Reps) ## ## Rarefy.Sam <- function(matrix,Knots=ncol(matrix),Reps=20) { if(Knots > ncol(matrix)) Knots <-ncol(matrix) Sample.Levels <- round(seq(1,ncol(matrix),length.out=Knots)) Replicated.Species.Counts <- replicate(Reps,Single.Rarefy.Sam(matrix,Sample.Levels)) Replicated.Species.Counts <- matrix(unlist(Replicated.Species.Counts), ncol=2, byrow=TRUE) Replicated.Species.Counts <-array(Replicated.Species.Counts,dim=c(Knots,Reps,2)) Rarefaction.Summary <- t(apply(Replicated.Species.Counts[,,1],1,Rarefaction.SumStats)) Rarefaction.Summary <- cbind(Sample.Levels,apply(Replicated.Species.Counts[,,2],1,mean),Rarefaction.Summary) colnames(Rarefaction.Summary) <- c("Samples", "Mean.Abun", "Mean.S", "Norm.CI.Low", "Norm.CI.High", "2.5%", "97.5%") print(Rarefaction.Summary) } ## ## ######################################### ## Example data sets and analyses ## Abun.Mat <- c(100,10,5,5,0,0,3,3,1,1,0,0,5,5,5,6,7,3,2) x1 <- c(100,1,1,2,3,20,5,6,2,3) x2 <- c(100,50,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) x3 <- c(0,0,10,10,10,4,3,1,0,0) x4 <- c(0,0,0,0,0,1,1,2,3,10) x5 <- c(0,1,1,20,0,0,15,10,0,2) x6 <- c(0,1,1,2,0,5,5,6,2,3) x7 <- c(100,50,1,2,2,0,0,0,0,0) x8 <- c(1,0,10,10,10,4,3,1,0,0) x9 <- c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1) x10 <- c(0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2) Inc.Mat <-matrix(cbind(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9,x10),ncol=10) Abundance.Demo <- Rarefy.Ind(Abun.Mat,Knots=9,Reps=500) Incidence.Demo <- Rarefy.Sam(Inc.Mat,Knots=5,Reps=200)